1. Take this advice Warmane :)

    Hi Warmane,

    I and many others recommend you to take this seasson only like pre-seasson without tittles for sure, and next seasson normally with titles for 2s and 3s and set shoulders req. for 3s rate and everythink will be fine, trust me :)

    Ye, next seasson play for deadly gladiator with ulduar or set ulduar after this serious seasson (It's on you).

    I think u need to fix a little bit resilience, and some mechanicals, but ye Warmane i see big move with fixing, big up!

    I wish no reply from players, only from staff (Thank you adults people).

    Your Patriot.

  2. cant.... resist... the bait... THREAD..!!! bro say at least "sorry for my english" its grammer nazi protection spell coz your spelling is awful, i mean "everythink" i did this mistake when i was 9 years old. the only thing i saw worth reply is to fix resilience (no idea if its really broken tho), other than that, all your thread is 1 big load of crap. :)

  3. Lordaeron started months ago, it's a free service, you have the oportunity to play on it, you have no right to ask for anything, be grateful that Lordaeron let you quit your old stu/(% realm with 100 people online.
    Can't believe people still consider Warmane some kind of a non-profit organization, in which the players have no say over anything. "It's free so you're not allowed to ask for anything" Goddamn you trigger me so hard.

  4. Lordaeron started months ago, it's a free service, you have the oportunity to play on it, you have no right to ask for anything, be grateful that Lordaeron let you quit your old stu/(% realm with 100 people online.
    They absolutely do have the right to ask for things. We give that to the community, it's only fair. We do reserve the right to say no, which is completely different from refusing people the right to ask for things. It's not like we don't have a suggestion section on the forum, or a staff posts that directs players to posting Lordaeron suggestions in the Lordaeron realm section.

    Leave moderation of the forum to moderators. If you have a problem with something someone else posts, report it to a moderator. In the case of this thread, there is only one thing wrong with it, and that is the OP asking nobody else to reply to this than staff.

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