1. bs aside, i like the changelog, sure, it didn't have the fixes i wanted [censure wasn't one fyi, just know it's one of the ones most complained about :D], but change is good :D
    Totaly agree with you

  2. its fixed, im hiting 7-8k crits and censure is my 4-5 dmg now in pvp ..
    Edited: February 26, 2016

  3. its fixed, im hiting 7-8k crits and censure is my 4-5 dmg now in pvp ..
    While bursting?

  4. yea i got 14k with Berserking in bg on low resil max and 6-7k vs normal resil ppl without buffs..

    and also "Dispel effects will now prioritize roots over other effects" dosnt work with ret cleanse i still cant get out CoC root .. -.-

  5. Flames from Above will now work correctly - Nope.
    Can you recheck this one again, if it is applied?

    February 26, 2016
    The Devlog has been updated for Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria and can be found here.

    Cata Devlog - Nope.
    The same for the website, is the cata Devlog applied to website?

    February 26, 2016
    The Devlog has been updated for Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria and can be found here.

    Cata Devlog - Nope.
    The same for the website, is the cata Devlog applied to website?
    They mean devlog from February 19 for cata because info about devlog was hidden on forum

  7. yea i got 14k with Berserking in bg on low resil max and 6-7k vs normal resil ppl without buffs..

    and also "Dispel effects will now prioritize roots over other effects" dosnt work with ret cleanse i still cant get out CoC root .. -.-
    I got a mage friend to CoC me and Nova on top and cleanse dispelled Nova first then the second got CoC, so it seems to be working.

    Thank god censure is fixed, now to fix 2H Weapon Spec?:>

  8. I got a mage friend to CoC me and Nova on top and cleanse dispelled Nova first then the second got CoC, so it seems to be working.

    Thank god censure is fixed, now to fix 2H Weapon Spec?:>
    i tested it now, its still dispelling slow first then root ..

  9. Well Mass ressurection is finnaly working , its something LoL

  10. Fully agree with Kaspii!

    Give us some information, and some updates... Don't forget that "the client is always right"..if of course Warmane stuff cares for its clients and not only for its 10k population on Lordaeron...
    NEWS FLASH : That 10K population donate most of the amount than 1.5K population.

  11. Anything about new update? Or ETA about devlog outlining the next work in progress for the next update?

    Anyone from the Staff reading this thread?

    Thank you for your answer in advance.

    Long live Warmane!!!

  12. NEWS FLASH : That 10K population donate most of the amount than 1.5K population.
    You would be VERY wrong about that. If you actually read the forums, you would know that they get very few donations from Lordaeron. Cata is bringing in more donations.

  13. Just to ask : WILL THEY EVER FIX BATTLEGROUNDS OR ARENAS ?! Or script some old raids and dungeons for xmog .... Im really sick of Warmane not fixing stuff for Cata. Its bull**** and it will die really soon, if they dont fix BIG things, not some **** quests..

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