1. LOL really at first you cry out im low as **** and than after i proved how low you are at all with ur ****ty privat server ratings you dont care epic fail kids, epic fail....

  2. LOL really at first you cry out im low as **** and than after i proved how low you are at all with ur ****ty privat server ratings you dont care epic fail kids, epic fail....

    well ****tard when its a private server what the **** u doin here?

  3. Look, he thinks he's amazing because he plays retail. Just because you play on retail doesn't make you a better player. I have friends playing on retail and one of them don't even know what a macro is so... You don't have reasons to feel better...
    Anyway, what is your excuse to keep your IGN in secret?

  4. i like to blame lil wanna be buguser like you, you know its funny for a retail to listen ur **** talking ;-)

    Look, he thinks he's amazing because he plays retail. Just because you play on retail doesn't make you a better player. I have friends playing on retail and one of them don't even know what a macro is so... You don't have reasons to feel better...
    Anyway, what is your excuse to keep your IGN in secret?
    Nah what makes me better than you is that i have a rating in 5v5 and 3v3 2,2k+ on retail and thats why i just laugh about those privat server hero´s like you.....

    And lol bakura now when you have your prove you just try something other to insult cause you realized how ****ing low you are....EPIC

  5. Atleast deathwing has more logic than ur end boss

  6. Aha thats why i have 2,2k rating on 5vs5 and 3vs3 lol omg even to dumb to inspect...lovely......
    Care to show us your main and not an old mage? Also do you have proof that is your toon? Could be some random mage you found.

  7. Care to show us your main and not an old mage? Also do you have proof that is your toon? Could be some random mage you found.
    Lil timmy thinks he is smart

  8. An old mage? That mage is officer in FTH one of the top 10 Guild´s on Retail world wide....lol a random mage epic................And when you know a bit about retail you would know that FTH quitted Retail at Cataclysm and now comes back to legion but w/e ur all lovely really HAHAHAHAHA

  9. Well i guess u are 17 years old with no friends probably no girl?Virgin too? And your best achievement in life is 2.2k rating on game? lol bruuuuh :D :D :D :D bragin about how badass u areee sittin there alone with the teddy bear in your hands,no inv for party no girls talkin to u .. and than u look at your retail acc and feel proud of yoself right bruh? :D :D :D :D im dead lonely *** kids :D

  10. An old mage? That mage is officer in FTH one of the top 10 Guild´s on Retail world wide....lol a random mage epic................And when you know a bit about retail you would know that FTH quitted Retail at Cataclysm and now comes back to legion but w/e ur all lovely really HAHAHAHAHA
    Never heard of them. But be that as it may, there is still no proof that that is YOURS. Also that's not even the main toon on that account, link the main please.

    Also that guild was around in MoP...
    Edited: February 27, 2016

  11. Sure sure dude i started with 7 to play retail omg this logic dont you feel ashamed when you talk such nonsense **** hahahaha

  12. Guys, it really doesn't matter what char does he play on retail. This is Warmane, if he wants to prove something to us, warmane players, he must be good HERE.
    Let's be honest here, if he was that badass guy that he claims to be he would show us, instead of that he keeps on saying a lot of random stuff and showing that he knows nothing about this game, just like he did in previous replies.

    P.S: Since you don't tell us, I'm going to guess it. I just hope you're not this guy here (http://armory.warmane.com/character/...harion/summary) because it would be so damn embarrassing to you.
    Edited: February 27, 2016

  13. Timmy is only like 13, you can't really blame him for not knowing how to act. All kids are whiney and think everybody should give them everything they want, when they want it.

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