1. Dear warmane team,

    i hope u already realized that the most popular bracket is completely dead except the few teams queing 24/7 to get 2/3 points.

    I agree 100% with Alme, since u can't raise the population on FW, the only possibility to make 3's more attractive is to stop rewarding the 2's brackets with titles (honestly i think some coins or smth like that is not even a bad idea) and automatically boost the 3's bracket because all the try harders aiming for titles HAVE to que 3s and won't get rewarded for playing mw/warr.

    The other side is, that like 95% of the ppl don't even care for titles and they will continue playing 2's but the guys aiming for titles will get in que against each other and u may stop facing randomly qued tripple dps teams on 1.3k mmr.

  2. Dear warmane team,

    i hope u already realized that the most popular bracket is completely dead except the few teams queing 24/7 to get 2/3 points.

    I agree 100% with Alme, since u can't raise the population on FW, the only possibility to make 3's more attractive is to stop rewarding the 2's brackets with titles (honestly i think some coins or smth like that is not even a bad idea) and automatically boost the 3's bracket because all the try harders aiming for titles HAVE to que 3s and won't get rewarded for playing mw/warr.

    The other side is, that like 95% of the ppl don't even care for titles and they will continue playing 2's but the guys aiming for titles will get in que against each other and u may stop facing randomly qued tripple dps teams on 1.3k mmr.
    Do you think they do care? Guess the answer.
    It was suggested many times, even we have #hypeSotA Malaco, called pvp admin and he also is inactive. It is well knows , that makin 3s and only 3s rewarding will rise the queue.
    2s in general should be just practice bracket and to get some small amount of cp, to start doin 3s. If there would be enough players playing, anyone on any lvl of skill and gear would be able to get some rate and points.

  3. Dear warmane team,

    i hope u already realized that the most popular bracket is completely dead except the few teams queing 24/7 to get 2/3 points.

    I agree 100% with Alme, since u can't raise the population on FW, the only possibility to make 3's more attractive is to stop rewarding the 2's brackets with titles (honestly i think some coins or smth like that is not even a bad idea) and automatically boost the 3's bracket because all the try harders aiming for titles HAVE to que 3s and won't get rewarded for playing mw/warr.

    The other side is, that like 95% of the ppl don't even care for titles and they will continue playing 2's but the guys aiming for titles will get in que against each other and u may stop facing randomly qued tripple dps teams on 1.3k mmr.
    i totally agree wih you damn

  4. cheers for the people that still have some sense in their minds! please apply these requests asap warmane, honestly!

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