1. Well tdot. I think i would go for <FATALITY> i am in <FLAWLESS> atm i will quit that and i will wisper you or send a ingame mail to you for invitation. I would join my main my dk RITIK in your guild i would talk to abbi if he would invite me to <DONORS>
    Ur in some guild F L A W L E S S CarryTea and Abbi already told u 10 time u cant join there Trollp

  2. You would never get invited to my guild with this kind of crap.

  3. Abbi is there any problem to invite me to <DONORS>

  4. Safdaf, thank you, Forum always need people like you :D

    (http://armory.warmane.com/character/...harion/summary) If this is you, then I don't see the point of you challenging <D O N O R S>. I'm pretty sure that anyone of them would be able to win agaisnt you, so you must prepare your 50 coins.

    For what I know about DONORS, they look for good and experinced BG players, and checking your HK's it doesn't look like you have all the experinced that they're looking for.

    Your rating is low aswell. Maybe you could be a Duel hero but still, I'm sure thats not the case.

    P.S: My whole reply wouldn't make sense if this isn't your main.
    Edited: March 2, 2016

  5. Safdaf, thank you, Forum always need people like you :D

    (http://armory.warmane.com/character/...harion/summary) If this is you, then I don't see the point of you challenging <D O N O R S>. I'm pretty sure that anyone of them would be able to win agaisnt you, so you must prepare your 50 coins.

    For what I know about DONORS, they look for good and experinced BG players, and checking your HK's it doesn't look like you have all the experinced that they're looking for.

    Your rating is low aswell. Maybe you could be a Duel hero but still, I'm sure thats not the case.

    P.S: My whole reply wouldn't make sense if this isn't your main.
    It dosent make sense to him anyway, since he dosent understand English :D

  6. What are guilds currently doing RBG, both ally and horde ?

  7. What are guilds currently doing RBG, both ally and horde ?
    Horde is FATALITY and DONORS.
    Ally is Anarchy Inc. and DDS (sometimes).

  8. You would never get invited to my guild with this kind of crap.

    hahaha well i saw him in BoG the worst uh gurth hc dk evaaaa :D: D :D gets rekt by bdk :D
    Edited: March 4, 2016

  9. havent seen someone from Anarchy inc in Bg´s, are they still alive
    Yes, we're still alive.

  10. havent seen someone from Anarchy inc in Bg´s, are they still alive
    Actually Anarchy has been running more premades than ever before in the past week.

  11. Lol, wow, some of you people really have issues. Saf, on behalf of every decent human being that isn't as ugly on the inside as they are on the outside, I apologize for these people.

    With that said, I'm alliance so can't help yuh out on guilds, but most horde pvp guilds I've seen aren't any good outside of roflstomping pugs with full geared exploiting premades. Sorry, not most horde pvp guilds, but most pvp guilds in general. If I were you, which I'm not but still, I'd find one of these pvp guilds, try to get to know some members. No matter how many aholes are in a guild, there's likely to be at least a couple that are both decent players and people. When ya find them, join THAT guild.. til then, ignore these kids [maturity wise, not actual kids]. It's not worth the effort to respond to them except during a full moon when they actually act like normal people.

  12. Lol, wow, some of you people really have issues. Saf, on behalf of every decent human being that isn't as ugly on the inside as they are on the outside, I apologize for these people.

    With that said, I'm alliance so can't help yuh out on guilds, but most horde pvp guilds I've seen aren't any good outside of roflstomping pugs with full geared exploiting premades. Sorry, not most horde pvp guilds, but most pvp guilds in general. If I were you, which I'm not but still, I'd find one of these pvp guilds, try to get to know some members. No matter how many aholes are in a guild, there's likely to be at least a couple that are both decent players and people. When ya find them, join THAT guild.. til then, ignore these kids [maturity wise, not actual kids]. It's not worth the effort to respond to them except during a full moon when they actually act like normal people.
    You're aware that premades do play against other premades and don't always face pugs right?
    P.S - I wouldn't take any advice from the emotional Nasty who always talks about how he doesn't like guilds who premade and seems to always insult people in a good bit of his comments while saying he's not trying to offend anyone :D

  13. I'm aware that most alliance premades avoid horde premades, and that horde face very very few alliance premades :P I'm also aware that most alliance premades are not full geareds, as are some horde. These premades I like and understand. Fact is, if premades wanted to face other premades, they'd do rbg's. The excuse that premades are looking for other premades is bs 90% of the time, what they're really looking for is to pwn some other guild so they can trash talk them on forums lol.

    And I'm insulting only those who constantly insult others. Unlike others, I've never insulted anyone that didn't deserve it. Someone has to stick up for the little guys, no need to hate just cuz I don't jump the bandwagon of the most toxic players on the realm. Half these people are like the mean popular girls in High School, except no one would hit it. There's plenty of people I'm more then happy to offend, just when I'm not trying to offend, I try and state it. I'll admit right now, I don't like most of the ppl who are active on forums, and I know and don't care that they don't like me either. If someone's nice to me, I'm nice to them. But if they attack other people for no reason, I'll call them out on it, even if they my best friend. Though I try to be nice about it at first. But, I never have that problem, I don't know any person irl that is rude aside from old high school friends that I dropped long ago. So sure, I insult.

  14. Nasty has a point about the premades wanting to talk trash about the guild pwned in that premade bg its legit 90% of the content of Neltharion Subforums since were all trolls :P We're

  15. The excuse that premades are looking for other premades is bs 90% of the time, what they're really looking for is to pwn some other guild so they can trash talk them on forums lol..
    that use to be true, mainly when RBGs were not enabled, Horde and Alliance use to queue heavy roflstomp pres all fully geared to the teeth, i myself was one of those people and posted many of my victories against DDS and infected ... ahhh those were the days

    however nowdays alliance very rarely queues premades, i have fully lost interest to BG anymore unless its an RBG simply because 3 shotting greenies and full PvE arcane mages as well as PvE ele shamans get boring. Neltharion has lost a good chunk of its PvP community and that effects the competitiveness of the server.
    Edited: March 7, 2016

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