1. Lordaeron 29 & 39 twinks - pvp video

    hi all, i put together some clips recorded over a week or so to share with everyone. It's my first video so the editing isnt great nor is the gameplay perfect. Plenty of mistakes and my UI is bad as it was recorded on my laptop with addons quickly thrown in :P But regardless i hope you like it and are interested in joining us, as we are recruiting and funding new players.

    it has arenas, bgs and duels with 39 rogue, 39 mage, 29 priest & 29 lock


    I had fun making this so i will be making another one, hopefully with much better gameplay footage recorded over the next month or so. So feedback is appreciated and will help make the next video better.

    <Primary Target> is recruiting for both brackets so msg somebody in game for an invite. Happy to help with gear runs etc as well.

    thanks for watching!

    GM of PT
    Edited: March 11, 2016

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