1. Yea dude 2k is ez , instant ques even on higher mmr its awesome , go go delete my post pls

  2. what happens if in the end of the season only 1 team is above 2k, will that team get r1 tittle and will the r2 and r3 teams not get normal glad title?

  3. I think no matter u get 1999 or 1.8k u will get Rival for r2-3 like ppl get rivals with 1.4k ratings, atleast give 2-3 Duelists if they cant reach 2k. Seems like GMs never tryed to queue 3v3 and they think that u can get instant queue, but 1.7-1.8k is hard mode here. Cuz u need to wait in 1-2 hours queues for 0 games.

  4. that rule came out from nowhere , also that season extension when everyone expected season to end 20th march. gms went YOLO with that rule and +1 month because they were too late anyways , and they couldnt just anaunce that the season is ending this month so they had no choice but to extend it with 1 month so people dont complain that they are anauncing it too late. so obvious.

  5. that rule came out from nowhere , also that season extension when everyone expected season to end 20th march. gms went YOLO with that rule and +1 month because they were too late anyways , and they couldnt just anaunce that the season is ending this month so they had no choice but to extend it with 1 month so people dont complain that they are anauncing it too late. so obvious.
    Completly wrong,
    The extended season is just another fail from Warmane staff, who says several times that the WOTLK realms were going to be merged at end of march, coincidence that they have deleted/edited the post where they stated it, and then extended the PvP Season.
    Also, the 2k rating required, when they still giveaway the titles to 2s, is just way too much patethic.
    If people werent motivated to play 3s before, now they wont even more.

  6. with that rule they killed the 3s more i would say , because simply people gave up. becasue i normal warmane player know that 2k in 3s is nearly imposible and when you see that rule you are like ... nahhh fuk it no way we get there ... so they simple gave up only few wintraders playing but they were shut down couple days ago so yea.this is just a joke with the community.

  7. yes as someone said , seems like they dont know what is the pain to sit in 3v3 que. the rule wont change anything.

  8. Keeping rewarding 2s with Gladiator title, together with 2k rating reqs in 3s, just kills the ladder even more.
    People who knows they wont be able to get Rank1, will just try their luck in 2s, and completly avoid the 3s.
    The other amount of people that would like to do 3s for get their gear, will notice how usually the rank1 are around 1.9-2.1k rating, so they wont bother in try get shoulders or T2.
    Untill we will have a proper mmr system, we wont see a serious competition in 3s.

    PS: what about the merge? They stated was happening at end of March, but now they extended the season, to i suppose it will be at end of April?

  9. yes thats true. the only way to make 3s more activ is the merge , as i can see on ragnaros 2 teams already with 2k rating but on deathwing 3s is so dead , not like on ragnaros is not but atleast more poeple play it there. so i understand adding this rule after the merge but why now , when for the past 2 years max 1 team passing 2k on deathwing

  10. I agree with this , you cant for e people to wue afther you posted this 3s on DW is more dead, only some wintraders playing..

  11. Whats with the Brutal Gladiator titles? Why not wrath for R1? I'm confused.

  12. Whats with the Brutal Gladiator titles? Why not wrath for R1? I'm confused.
    Cause its season 4 = Brutal season. Wrath glad is season 8

  13. I have a question for the 3v3, need only team rate 2k or ( And 150 deff , and 70% played ) or team 2k , and team perssonal 2k ?

  14. Why noone give a **** or answers for pvp... WoW is more about pvp then pve... pve is more for getting items for pvp :D and all you do is only for the pve trash... We need 3v3... it is more fun, more skills req and better items... do smth about the PVP too. there is a really good topic in suggestions for the realm that you can see and do smth about it. 2k for shoulders and 2.2 for weps... dreams... even if you got the skill for it you cant do it because no ques... Do smth that will stimulate ppl do more 3s it is not that hard tho..

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