1. Lordaeron Rogue PvP Problems

    A) All spells in mid-air will pierce through cloak of shadows. It's rly annoying when you cos and a rank 1 frostbolt is hitting you like 100% of the time.
    ( same goes for coil) ((It is also annoying that cos is 90% and not 100% but that's another topic))

    B) I found succubus' seduction piercing through my cloak oddly often.

    C) You do not leave combat after a full duration gouge (with Improved Gouge)

    Feel free to add more below.

  2. you are probably lagging.never happened to me

    you might not have visible lag but with gouge u have to stealth in 0.5 secs and if u want to dodge deathcoil etc in mid air u have to have good ms

  3. you are probably lagging.never happened to me

    you might not have visible lag but with gouge u have to stealth in 0.5 secs and if u want to dodge deathcoil etc in mid air u have to have good ms
    This is totally false and we can test this anytime you want.
    I got 60ms and I can vanish everything, problem is in cloak of shadows.

  4. Imp Gouge is 5.5 secconds while it takes 6 secconds to get out of combat. Getting a reset of gouge is only possible with LoS, dead-zoning or a high ping advantage over your enemy.

  5. guys does your honor among thieve work in arena or not?

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