1. Alliance vs horde in PvP

    Hello everyone

    I am new to warmane and the server deathwing. I was thinking of doing some pvp here but i am not sure which faction should i choose? Which faction would be stronger and are there any pvp guilds here?

  2. Wait few days when merge happens of DW and Rag... for me personal for pvp alliance was most funn.

  3. Wait few days when merge happens of DW and Rag... for me personal for pvp alliance was most funn.
    The merge will happen after season ends, so prolly after ~1month.

  4. the bait was not taken :<

  5. Hello everyone

    I am new to warmane and the server deathwing. I was thinking of doing some pvp here but i am not sure which faction should i choose? Which faction would be stronger and are there any pvp guilds here?
    Hahahah love u <3
    No homo :D
    Well i think horde have better players, u can see that on 3v3 ladder whos rank1... But allys have double trinket so thats a big advantage in BGs where you show how skilled you are, not in arenas and duels.

  6. i hope alliances will be better when they merge realms, cuz now no way to play bgs in alliance i got alt in alliance so here i got like 200 bgs played and only 50 wins, and with my horde char i got 250 played 217 wins, -.- NOT FUN !

  7. Allies are ****ing bad on bgs, but better than horde on arenas. Thats my honest opinion.

  8. Allies are ****ing bad on bgs, but better than horde on arenas. Thats my honest opinion.
    Good thing you and your opinion are irrelevant.

  9. Good thing you and your opinion are irrelevant.
    Joined February 15, 2013

    And your is? :)

  10. Good thing me and mine opinion are irrelevant.
    Fixed it for u. ^^

  11. Saying alliance is **** in bgs and horde wins every bg is bul**** talkign of trolls for real..... here is screen of my bg stats and everyone can see its not true what those trolls here are spaming.You can see i got 58 bgs more won than lost.


  12. Saying alliance is **** in bgs and horde wins every bg is bul**** talkign of trolls for real..... here is screen of my bg stats and everyone can see its not true what those trolls here are spaming.You can see i got 58 bgs more won than lost.

    heuheuhuehu, i think u are from some bad ally pvp guild, and loosing 50% bgs vs horde randoms :O !

  13. Screen shows its 50%/50% almost i didnt insult horde neither alliance but it seems your a baboon and you dont understand. But what do ik maybe when you reach age of 10 youl get it. Tnx god for ignore function on forums....

    Google chrome extension makes ignored baboons posts invisiible to you :)
    Edited: March 26, 2016

  14. Alliance is better,but horde has ohdo,but alliance still better

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