1. I hope Deahtiwng mmr droppers will be disbanded i talk about Metldown and Lsp with a twist team, cause thats not when when other teams need to wait in long queues and those trashs dropped mmr to get faster queues before new core.

  2. Does arena pts and honor restart, or ?

  3. I hope Deahtiwng mmr droppers will be disbanded i talk about Metldown and Lsp with a twist team, cause thats not when when other teams need to wait in long queues and those trashs dropped mmr to get faster queues before new core.
    Mmr dropping is legit and not bannable on retail and this is blizzlike server as far as I know. Mmr droppers don't get any profit from it at all it's just a new start. I'll suggest you to cry on some other topic.

  4. yes mmr droping is not banable but those teams shouldnt get any rewards at the end cuz if not you can drop to 1k mmr and be at 1.5 with 1.5 team rating , while others start with 1500 mmr and 0 team rating , so thats not fair and theres no need to talk about this situation , you drop mmr you get disbanded at the end of the season , simple as that no ban no nothing.

  5. yes mmr droping is not banable but those teams shouldnt get any rewards at the end cuz if not you can drop to 1k mmr and be at 1.5 with 1.5 team rating , while others start with 1500 mmr and 0 team rating , so thats not fair and theres no need to talk about this situation , you drop mmr you get disbanded at the end of the season , simple as that no ban no nothing.
    Yes and if they win the games they mmr will raise up so I can't see profit from there... Just a new start. And you can't get top 3(rewards) without beating top teams.
    P.S: Noone drops mmr to 1k, that's only a fairy tale

  6. P.S: Noone drops mmr to 1k, that's only a fairy tale

    yea just from 1.8+ to 1250 , nothing more . i really dont get why you think thats normal and people like those should even get something ? why do you protect them . tbh i dont even know who are they but probably you are his friend or so.

  7. Mmr dropping is legit and not bannable on retail and this is blizzlike server as far as I know. Mmr droppers don't get any profit from it at all it's just a new start. I'll suggest you to cry on some other topic.
    With the new core(i speak here on deathwing) if you dodge/mmr drop or leave in arena preparation before match starts,you lose rating so yeah... its not free. You give something in exchange. :D people cant just dodge 24/7

  8. Mmr dropping is legit and not bannable on retail and this is blizzlike server as far as I know. Mmr droppers don't get any profit from it at all it's just a new start. I'll suggest you to cry on some other topic.
    All MMR droping teams, wintrading teams, avoiding arenas using an exploit will get disbanded no matter what.

  9. Does arena and honor points reset ??

  10. All MMR droping teams, wintrading teams, avoiding arenas using an exploit will get disbanded no matter what.
    Wintraders will be banned for 3 months, you can't leave arena and don't lose any rate like before and Mmr dropping is 100% legit on retail so it is here.

  11. All this ideas for more activity in 3's...some are good some are bad, but the main point imo for the lack of activity is that literally no one is quing for fun. After 1 loss the dodge begins already. Same thing in 2's even though u don't get **** from 2's. Also remove /who in arena or disable gear swapping in arena. Not blizzlike but just a suggestion .

  12. Does arena and honor points reset ??
    Does arena and honor points reset ??

  13. flawless stats as rmd on frostwolf

    simply too easy lol. already queued into the #1 team. pretty sad actaully. people should actaully focus way more on pvp and 3s.

    doubt i'll get r1 tho cause now they're all dodging xD. maybe glad

  14. How will this be done on Lordaeron?

    I guess Ulduar wont come within 2 weeks nor after next season so suddenly the gear will switch from s5 to s6 next season? ?

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