1. You people are still at it lol :)) Good job, keep it up and make me proud

  2. HA raids still best raids ever. Fabulous job you guys!! Give the haters more motives to hate :))

  3. Hello guys, Shugo here!
    Believe it or not, I was just listening to the WotLK OST and caught myself dwelling in memories of our old times on Lordaeron and decided to check if you guys are back - suffice to say I'm not disappointed :) . I passed leadership of the guild and later left it due to strong disagreement with fellow officers, but at no point did I wish the guild any bad and I felt sad when all traces of our activity were lost from Molten later. You guys can't believe how glad I am you're still rolling as strong as ever. That means a lot to me.
    There are too many new names to count but shout out to you old guys out there who remember me!
    Edited: April 11, 2016

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