1. Thank you for the new submissions; I will add them later this evening. If you have any concerns, contact me in-game (Ekun, Ekunn on the alliance side).

    Kind regards,

  2. The newest submissions were added days ago. Bumping this.

    Please check prior to making a submission, if you have any data in the thread added already.

  3. faithless picture
    Hi Attinain,

    Please read the following:

    **It is much appreciated, if future posts of kills include date and preferably a screenshot of the actual kill. Refrain from posting a screenshot of the achievement itself. Such submissions will henceforth be ignored (3rd of February 2016). Also, keep the thread drama-free. Do not respond to half-witted advances, and do not stir up any drama. At all. Thank you in advance.**

  4. One very firm Kle'Thuzad kill from last week, it's not our first kill but definitely our most interesting

    True Core
    Edited: April 9, 2016 Reason: Guild:

  5. You need to tell me the name of your guild.

  6. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.n...c68ab28e4c3b55

    Today The Reveler Folk finally cleared Naxx 10 as a guild that does not raid 25s apart from the occasional VOA and OS pug, so nobody had any Naxx25 gear.

    We spent quite some time on tweaking boss tactics because most of us weren't experienced in Naxx, but we had an amazing time working on the progress.

    We actually did Kel with a 3.4 healer (2 healers total)

    So the conclusion; it was very hard indeed going in there without knowing all of the tactics / Warmane buffs, but in the end it made us work together as best as we could and use the maximum potential of every class we had. At least the insane buff brought some people together. :)

    Thanks for the great experience. :)

  7. Congratulations, The Reveler Folk. The next few days will be hectic, but I'll make sure to add your progress in the near future.

  8. <The Reveler Folk>
    Naxx 10 down again within same day : http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2wgg...9#.VxLVmraZe1s

    Highlight : none from raid had naxx 25 gear !
    Total Time taken : 6 hours
    Total number of wipes : 7 (3 on KT because we were having leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy fun with aboms in corners xD )
    Did Gluth w/o a mage.

    Doing 10 man Naxx is way harder than 25 man but doing it without replacing anyone was a superb experience and everyone nailed it on their particular roles.

    The Reveler Folks <3
    Edited: April 17, 2016

  9. Murmur on Alliance just killed 2 Drake 10 man.


    We also killed the 25 man version two month ago, but because we do it every week we always forget to take a screenshot. I know you don't take achievement screenshots, but seeing as how much more difficult 10 man is compared to 35 man, I was wondering if you would at least consider it.


  10. Please check prior to making a submission, if you have any data in the thread added already.
    Just referring both of you to a previous post.

    I've added your progress in OS10, but please, provide me with a screenshot the next time you're in OS25. Thank you.

    All other submissions have been taken care of.

    Kind regards,
    Edited: April 18, 2016

  11. Hey !

    <MMOs before HOEs> Finally cleared Naxx 10 this week again ! (screenshots of previous week missing)

    Saph : http://imgur.com/Ikrbcar

    KT : http://imgur.com/P0B9cv6

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