1. Some GM banned me for using bot program lol

    I didnt get any whisper from gm

    I were hunting by killing all mobs

    Then my character moved very slowly

    It was not like lag or latency problem

    I think Its strange

    So I mounted on Fly-Mount and Moved .,,and Hunting again

    And banned for using bot program

    I am not bot user but I killed some bot user while i am hunting there

    Maybe that bot user reported me to use bot program in there

    WTF is this ****

    Bot user is allowed to hunt

    And Nomal user like me is banned because i killed same monster again and again?

  2. http://www.warmane.com/account/support go create a ban appeal. posting on forums does nothing. if you were banned by a gm than don't get your hopes up, they don't ban without sufficient proof.

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