1. Deathwing + Ragnaros = Icecrown

    Greetings Warmane community,

    We are excited to announce the long-awaited merge of Deathwing and Ragnaros into one a new realm named Icecrown. The merge is set to take place on May 20, 2016 when both aforementioned realms will be taken offline to initiate the merge maintenance.

    There are great benefits to this merge and they show in form of more players to play with, more things happening in the world and of course our new core that can take this burden well as proven well by our realm Lordaeron. But with all great things, there's bound to be some few inevitable side-effects.

    We have devised a way for players to reserve their names ahead of the actual merge. The system will be in place 2 weeks before the actual merge and it will be implemented in a way that players can reserve one name that belongs to a level 80 character prior to the merge.

    Character name reservations for Deathwing and Ragnaros merge will be available Monday, May 9 at 19:00.

    Accounts that will result in exceeding the 10 characters limit, will have a way to store remaining characters in a frozen state and they can activate/deactivate the chosen characters as they please with due respect to the 10 characters limitation within the client. The systems put in place will be still on first come, first serve basis as we believe it is the fairest option of them all. We hope you are excited to play on the new realm as much as we are dedicated to improving the best high-rate WoTLK experience there is.

    This thread will be updated with any relevant information in the upcoming 72 hours with respect to questions in the thread.


    Questions answered so far:

    Spoiler: Show

    What will happen to guilds, their vaults and its contents?

    We have discussed this to great extent, unfortunately guild transfers would be next to impossible and it would cause major issues across the board due to characters that are moved onto the new realm might have different names, different unique IDs and everything elated to it.

    Just like you assign permissions and trust to the members in the guild who take care of the guild vault, you should do the same for the merge and have the items sorted/saved somewhere so they can be re-inserted into the guild vault. Staff can help out and make sure that prominent guilds don't lose their names.

    The thing is with character names, we went into great depth when it comes to this discussion and unfortunately there's no path that we can take without someone feeling like they're neglected. So we made it able for people to at least reserve their main characters, 2 weeks prior to the actual merge and also the date/exact time when this will commence will be announced so players can take their time to reserve the names.

    Is the merge bringing the character data with it? So people will not have to roll new characters?

    Of course, that's why it's a merge.

    Is it true that you will be wiping all achievements from all players for now a 2nd complete time, rendering all people have worked for in the past year+ worthless?


    1. What will be the max player cap on Icecrown realm?
    11 000 and with even more performance improvement, higher.

    2. Are you going to transfer over Arena teams? If not, are there any possible plans to "refund" arena rating or such? I suppose fresh start would be better in PVP aspect since we will have Ragnaros and Deathwing teams together now, we might have a new TOP 10 teams, who knows.

    No, but the arena season will last for 3 months after the merge (4 months for other realms) so there's ample time to compete.

    3. Will there be any sort of limit on how many characters we can transfer over?

    4. Is there going to be any sort of requirement for transfering over a character? For example character must be X level to be transfered to Icecrown etc.


    5. Since there might be balance issues with Horde & Alliance, are we going to have any option to transfer over to Horde or Alliance for free or such?

    Both realms that are merging have nearly equal faction ratio so there should not be any issues, if we notice any scale issues we will enable the feature just like did in the past.

    Now How About Cataclysm? U guys said that will release 1st part of old Content on Cata Realm, u rlly mean it or not? You guys will do any of those stuffs on Cata?
    We'll be actually performing first tests later today on the old content porting. There's no estimate on when the update will come. Once it's tested, we will have a better idea on when it'll happen.

    Realm first achievements will not be removed from the players that earned it. Nor will any other achievements, or any progress.
    Hm...Icecrown. Ner'Zhul seemed like much more badass name, and really associative.
    Anyhow, one question about the names: Can we reserve any name that is occupied by a lvl 80 character on Deathwing (eg), or only the names stored on the respective account? In other words I can reserve names stored on this account, and not some other person's name?
    Only names that you own, correct.

    Can u answer pls about banned chars? If my char is banned how i would be able to transfer it?

    This is a merge, all characters that are on Ragnaros and Deathwing will be put on the new realm. The system put in place is for reserving names, please revise the Q&A in the second post.
    Character name reservations for Deathwing and Ragnaros merge will be available Monday, May 9 at 19:00.

  2. So about the names themselves;

    Let's say that I generate a new name right now and as soon the transfers are able I can take that same name right?
    The only condition is being a level 80 character - The time played in that specific character doesn't matter, correct?

  3. What will happen to guilds, their vaults and its contents?

  4. why does it say 2015?
    Typo, of course.
    What will happen to guilds, their vaults and its contents?
    Guilds will need to be remade. The contents of the vaults would likely need to be transferred using personal bag and bank space.

  5. Is the merge bringing the character data with it? So people will not have to roll new characters?

  6. What will happen to guilds, their vaults and its contents?
    We have discussed this to great extent, unfortunately guild transfers would be next to impossible and it would cause major issues across the board due to characters that are moved onto the new realm might have different names, different unique IDs and everything elated to it.

    Just like you assign permissions and trust to the members in the guild who take care of the guild vault, you should do the same for the merge and have the items sorted/saved somewhere so they can be re-inserted into the guild vault. Staff can help out and make sure that prominent guilds don't lose their names.

    The thing is with character names, we went into great depth when it comes to this discussion and unfortunately there's no path that we can take without someone feeling like they're neglected. So we made it able for people to at least reserve their main characters, 2 weeks prior to the actual merge and also the date/exact time when this will commence will be announced so players can take their time to reserve the names.

    Is the merge bringing the character data with it? So people will not have to roll new characters?
    Of course, that's why it's a merge.

  7. U mean April.27-May.20 is a small season for Wotlkers

  8. Is it true that you will be wiping all achievements from all players for now a 2nd complete time, rendering all people have worked for in the past year+ worthless?

  9. dont like realm name though((((((((((

  10. Pls name the realm Ragwing!!111111

  11. Amm. What will happèn with the Realm Firsts? Will they gonna get reseted ?

  12. Is it true that you will be wiping all achievements from all players for now a 2nd complete time, rendering all people have worked for in the past year+ worthless?

    Makes no sense to do that.

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