1. what a nutshell XD
    12k cap and still 2500 q

  2. Nostalrius migration, ever since it got shut down lordaeron got 3k plus people.

  3. What the hell. There were less players when it was 11k. Are you playing with player numbers?
    With 11k queue was 3.8k, after they increased the cap it was 2.8k (if that's what you're refering to). So, no.

  4. Agree with few previous posts. The problem, if that's how you view it, is the AFK-time. You can stay AFK for way too long and then you get logged out to character screen and can come back and continue playing.

  5. These queues are tearing guilds and their raids apart, and if they continue, people will have to leave because they cant get on early enough to get in queue
    I understand this. As an active raider back in the old days, our guild required all of the core raiders to have donor accounts, so they could skip the queue and be online for raid. I understand how it's a problem from first-person experience.

    To add, though, we don't want players to feel forced to donate to queue skip. So we'll be working on ways to mitigate the problem (raised the cap to 12k already). Let us know if there's lag. Hopefully we'll have the huge queue sorted out soon.

  6. To add, though, we don't want players to feel forced to donate to queue skip. So we'll be working on ways to mitigate the problem (raised the cap to 12k already). Let us know if there's lag. Hopefully we'll have the huge queue sorted out soon.
    Is there an effective way to cycle long afking people out from the server and let other people in?

  7. Huge problem are afk botting people you see them everywhere, in corners in dalaran etc. Just afk botting.

  8. wonder if it stays that way - i mean amount of players.

    there is a lot of factors now - Ulduar release, Nost down, incoming merge. It is way too much to decide further steps but it is clear that raising cap wont help much...
    it is happening because many players don't stay at 2k+ queue, but they log into, when queue drops.
    more you raise cap - more players decide to launch game.

    Mercy, if you (meaning as all Warmane here) want to utilize such player base, you should really think about some kind of connected servers (cross realm idea once again?).
    IF such hype withstand after May 20th it would be waste to lose players interest because of "no room to play".

  9. Now might be a good time to reconsider banning multiboxing

  10. Now might be a good time to reconsider banning multiboxing
    no matter my personal opinion about MBoxing, please say - how many ppl multibox on Lord? lets say 100? 200? 300?
    since most ppl MBox with 3 chars i can say queue wont drop even for 1k...
    not to mention you can ban MBoxing, but noone will ban for logging multiple account at once (a.k.a "shadowboxing")...
    not a solution at all...

  11. I really hope you guys increase the cap cause like this **** takes forever

  12. I really hope you guys increase the cap cause like this **** takes forever
    They just did :P but I see your point :)

  13. I got in queue at 9:45 AM EST and didnt get in to 12:20PM EST, i was 2200 then, this cap increase will help a ton, but were gonna need more and a serious hardware upgrade to support all these new people.

    These queues are tearing guilds and their raids apart, and if they continue, people will have to leave because they cant get on early enough to get in queue
    This.. our 25n raid to naxx was canceled due the queues =/

    it is clear that raising cap wont help much...
    No, that is false. It does help a lot. 2k queues are still at the upper limit for me. 3,5k and I will instantly close the game.. **** the raid at that point.
    Edited: April 24, 2016

  14. i am a nostalrius refugee and i love this server so far, a lot of nost refugees will come here to play.

  15. Is there an effective way to cycle long afking people out from the server and let other people in?
    Yeah, just kick people afking whole day in Dalaran like in every server... 30 minutes on /afk = disconnected from server.
    Pros? Way shorter queues.
    Cons? Lower online.

    Other than that, I don't see a reason why they'd not do that. And people were asking for that maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(...)aaaany times.

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