1. [Need help] How to gear up for the upcomming season?

    Hey guys,

    I just dinged lvl 78 got my blue pvp gear and I was wondering how to start gearing at lvl 80. During this weekends I did tons of BG and got myself 3 off-set parts. I was trying to find honor weapons, but I was not able to, I have 0 interest in doing any raiding, 5 man dungeons are somehow OK, how do I get a better weapon than my blue Zul Drak arena staff? What should I look up for next? Any information about gearing up for 80lvl PvP would be nice.


  2. Thanks, it helps a lot. Btw, what about off hands? Trinkets and rings? I was able to find only one ring for shadow priest at honor vendor.

  3. Thanks, it helps a lot. Btw, what about off hands? Trinkets and rings? I was able to find only one ring for shadow priest at honor vendor.
    There are blue level 80 crafed rings of ilevel 200. A scribe can make you an epic offhand, but it's not very good for PVP. Your best bet is doing heroics for the 25 Emblem of Heroism off-hands and 40 Emblem of Heroism trinkets.

  4. Trinkets:
    Wintergrasp Trinket: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Flow_of_Knowledge 25 Sold at the Vendor in WG for 25 Wintergrasp Marks of Honor
    Medaillon: http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=42122 Sold at the Vendor in OG
    http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=42114 Rating Restriction 1720? Dunno exactly. Sold at the Vendor in OG
    http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=42110 Sold at the Vendor in OG
    http://wotlk.openwow.com/item=40698 25 Emblems of Heroism /Sold at Dalaran Vendor
    alternative: http://www.wowdb.com/items/44210-faces-of-doom
    http://www.wowhead.com/item=38322/iron-bound-tome ?
    Edited: April 25, 2016

  5. Hi! You can buy most of your gear with honor/badges. Weapons are the only thing you need to worry about before hitting that 1930 rating mark.

    What class are you playing? Can you use maces? Can you use swords? I would get the crafted weapon "Titansteel guardian" or "Titansteel Spellblade" from blacksmithing. However since that can cost a lot of money, which you might not have, you can also get decent weapons from Heroic Oculus (haste spellpower staff) or Heroic Nexus (mp5 spellpower mace). Titansteel guardian is a lot better, but those are nice alternatives.

    I would buy either the spirit/haste offhand or the crit/hit offhand from badge-vendor, depending on what your class prefers. There are other ways too, but 25 badges is so easy to get from heroics that I wouldn't bother with other options.

    If your class likes haste, there's a nice blue trinket from heroic oculus with haste and chance to dmg on spellcast proc. Obviously if you are not a human you need a pvp trinket. (Either the one with resilience or possibly with some other stat from wintersgrasp after the new season starts.) Darkmoon Card: Berserker! is a decent (a little expensive perhaps) option for resi/crit trinket. There are few trinkets from badges as well.

    Preparing for the new season:

    New season is starting soon and with the new season comes the Furious gear and I'm guessing the new pieces of gear from wintersgrasp as well. (Or at least that is how it was on retail when ulduar launched) Keeping that in mind, here's a few tips:

    - Farm honor cap. After the new season starts, hateful/deadly gear will be the new honor gear. With honor cap you can buy one new,better gear piece instantly after the new season comes.

    - Farm Wintersgrasp marks and save those for the new season. Don't go spending 40 marks on head gear when in a few days you could buy a robe with better item level. The Battle for Wintersgrasp is only once every 2.5h-3h, making the farm for marks a bit painful, if you are starting from zero. There should be quite a lot of new items after the season changes, meaning that you need quite a lot of marks as well.

    - Last but not least, spend your arena points, if you have any. Arena points will reset during the season change.

    EDIT: I just noticed that you are a shadowpriest (Me too, yay, can't wait for proper haste gear :)). I would suggest going for the Titansteel guardian and spirit/haste offhand. Nexus hc mace is ok, but it doesn't have any stamina, which sucks. You can get haste boots from wintersgrasp and few other haste items after the new season starts. Oculus hc trinket is pretty awesome, if you are not unlucky with it like I was. I gathered full crit gear as well this season and I can tell you it's not worth it. Haste + Spirit gear is the way to go, especially with the new haste pieces from wintersgrasp after the season changes.
    Edited: April 25, 2016

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