1. Argent Crusade camp spawned...


    Releasing The Argent Tournament training grounds etc along with Ulduar is a nice move. Next will be adding ToC itemlevels to be purchased at the marketlace?

  2. What can you get from the Argent Tournament training grounds?.

  3. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Argent_Tournament

    "The Argent Tournament is a world event that was introduced in patch 3.1"

  4. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Argent_Tournament

    "The Argent Tournament is a world event that was introduced in patch 3.1"
    Yeah ppl screaming that it was toc content and i didnt check it myself :s

  5. Had my suspicion when I check the patch notes

    Kinda strange that the staff doesn't put it on the text along with the Ulduar announcement. Nevertheless, more fun to be had and more money to be made :D

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