1. Lordaeron Death Knight Tanks

    Hi to all death knight tanks out there.
    Just a quick question:

    Are death knight tanks viable or wanted for Lordaeron's Raiding Content, since all raiding contents are insanely buffed up, where it comes to a point that HP/Mitigation is the way to go for tanking?

    In addition, I haven't seen any death knights tanking at least on our guild buffed Ulduar/Naxx content. Mostly bears, paladins and warriors are the preferred tanks.

    Thank you.

  2. Hey, I can't answer you for sure, because I am like the only DK in my guild and mostly wanted as frost, but i main tanked at least naxx 10 and blood is pretty simillar to other specs. You have more HP, but less CDs and self healing... well, bosses hit really hard, so you are not immortal, but still can soak pretty much dmg and hysteria is really amazing buff if your raid has strong physical dps. And you don't see many BDKs mainly because dps of dk is way stronger than pally or warr, so these classes better go for tank.

    If you like blood tanking and will have spot in GR, go for it.

  3. May 1, 2016  
    Thanks for the reply, yeah I'll just make a blood death knight tank and an unholy dk tank offspec.

  4. May 1, 2016  
    Noone wants DK tanks, because they are to squishy for this Content. The Meta ATM are DruidTanks cuz of there huge HP pool.

  5. May 3, 2016  
    Noone wants DK tanks, because they are to squishy for this Content. The Meta ATM are DruidTanks cuz of there huge HP pool.
    even though "Infected Wounds" are bugged ?

  6. May 4, 2016  
    even though "Infected Wounds" are bugged ?
    Why would that even matter as long as there's at least one DK in the raid?

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