1. May 6, 2016  

    6.9k Ret, 6.2k Holy Pala LF Guild

    I'm looking for a casual guild that raids 10 and 25 ICC. I'm currently on Alliance and would perfer to stay on alliance. I have other toons available for use as well, all of which are over 6k which are a bis priest, shaman, Dk tank, paladin tank, Mage, hunter

    I live in the US and would prefer to have a guild that raids at decent hours for me. But if not I can raid at any time on Wednesdays, Friday through Sunday.

    Please respond here, my paladin's name is Asahime.
    Edited: May 6, 2016

  2. May 6, 2016  
    ICC? then you are not for our guild. We play only uldar! and meaby icc, but meaby!

  3. May 6, 2016  
    Hello, Silent from Fade here.

    We are looking for a player to fill our core spot atm, and it seems you fit into us perfectly!; except for the Alliance part.

    We are currently Horde, and would be horde for...ever I think.

    Please, if you don't mind swapping to Horde, feel free to join us!

    Raid time is 7 pm EST (Eastern Standard Time) or 11 PM ST (Server Time), very suitable for people like me living in Eastern US.

    Community is decent sized of 40-50 "interesting" ( Insert creepy face ) to hang out with.

    Progress is 25HC 11/12 and currently still hitting our heads on 10 men Mimiron Hardmode.

    Raid is more laid back then other guilds, although we expect every players to play in our end-game level.

    We are currently running 1 ICC 25nm (full achievement runs for the mount), 2 ICC 25nm gearing runs, 1 ICC 25 hc, 1 Ulduar 10, and some random raids time to time. [Still trying to figure out if RS is fixed or not...]

    Let me know if you are interested.

    Feel free to take a look at our new webpage also.. Here!

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