1. May 8, 2016  

    Confession and farewell - Wenomm the assassin rogue.

    This post has NO sarcasm. Please dont consider it as such.

    Thanks Warmane/Molten,

    I had a great time during the last few years (5-7 i think). There have been good days, very good days and bad and very bad days. I lost all my characters and i gained so much more. Made friends, made guilds. Saw friends leave, saw guilds disband. Overall, i had a wonderful journey. Never played on retail, you guys have been my only experience on a game that had become my addiction.

    My character Wenomm became decently well known as one who was fighting for the horde during the dark days (apkaha times). It was there where i discovered leadership and learnt the true side of wpvp. It was great and I will cherish these memories throughout..

    My confession..
    I got bored and way too much addicted to the game. Played all day all night, spent too much money on it. It was here that i started discovering the illegal side of WoW. First with fly hacks, then exploits. Its a step that I know I shouldn't taken, but i didnt really care. Because deep down i wanted to get off this addiction. Thanks warmane for perma ban. I apologize to you for not playing in the way i sud have. '

    My Suggestions..
    Please be even more strict than you were with me. You are actually no only saving your server by removing people who exploit/hack but also saving them from this addiction so that they can do something more constructing irl than to hack in a free game.

    My earnest good wishes to you and your team. I hope you use me as an example for people who get into this addiction and i hope people remember me for the good things i did as well.

    [Just for people who want to know : I was honor farming to gear up my new characters, and i got what i deserved. Sadly, I sud have gotten it way long back :P]

    Spoiler: Show

    Farewell Warmane, I will now take a LOOOOONG break from wow for something more constructive irl. Good bye to all my guildies and ex-guildies.

    - Wenomm, the assassin rogue.

  2. May 8, 2016  
    My honest opinion- if this game meant so much to you and became such a huge part of your life so that you felt the need to make a topic just about you and your leaving, I somehow doubt that you'll be gone for long, if at all. When normal people want to leave, they just do so. When people who don't care leave, they don't say farewell to everybody, like you're walking on a red carpet waving away... this reminds me of Illyanah, she quit like what,5 times? Yeah,you're not going anywhere...

  3. May 8, 2016  
    Illy is a friend of mine yea. I know she came back..

    But I was on path of destroying my personal life. Illy was pretty much settled and doing well. This was not just a case of getting bored. If however i do ever come back i will join retail i guess, since finance was not an issue for me that much, only personal time management was.

    So thats why I want to make an official farewell. So that i can remind myself its good bye for good :P

    Btw love ur dp. That actress is my fav.

  4. May 8, 2016  
    This post has NO sarcasm. Please dont consider it as such.

    Thanks Warmane/Molten,

    I had a great time during the last few years (5-7 i think). There have been good days, very good days and bad and very bad days. I lost all my characters and i gained so much more. Made friends, made guilds. Saw friends leave, saw guilds disband. Overall, i had a wonderful journey. Never played on retail, you guys have been my only experience on a game that had become my addiction.

    My character Wenomm became decently well known as one who was fighting for the horde during the dark days (apkaha times). It was there where i discovered leadership and learnt the true side of wpvp. It was great and I will cherish these memories throughout..

    My confession..
    I got bored and way too much addicted to the game. Played all day all night, spent too much money on it. It was here that i started discovering the illegal side of WoW. First with fly hacks, then exploits. Its a step that I know I shouldn't taken, but i didnt really care. Because deep down i wanted to get off this addiction. Thanks warmane for perma ban. I apologize to you for not playing in the way i sud have. '

    My Suggestions..
    Please be even more strict than you were with me. You are actually no only saving your server by removing people who exploit/hack but also saving them from this addiction so that they can do something more constructing irl than to hack in a free game.

    My earnest good wishes to you and your team. I hope you use me as an example for people who get into this addiction and i hope people remember me for the good things i did as well.

    [Just for people who want to know : I was honor farming to gear up my new characters, and i got what i deserved. Sadly, I sud have gotten it way long back :P]

    Spoiler: Show

    Farewell Warmane, I will now take a LOOOOONG break from wow for something more constructive irl. Good bye to all my guildies and ex-guildies.

    - Wenomm, the assassin rogue.

    Dont lie, you will creaty another char in 10 days. You cant runaway from the game buhahahaha

  5. May 8, 2016  

  6. May 8, 2016  
    Just when I re-download game to see what's what, hahahha. Wish you all the best, Weno :* :*

  7. May 8, 2016  
    Interesting they terminate for petty exploits, all in all, this proves my point before of how some of the notable players can do this or hack, regardless of being a donor or not.

    If you wanted honor that badly, low level bg is broken and yields tons of honor OR attempt GUID genocide on areas having players or something, far more severe than honor exploit. But really, this could have been fixed as the alleged Uldum which some still go to.

    If anything, there's Overwatch. I spend time there than bug research here.

    Cheers m8

  8. May 8, 2016  
    Mate you don't know how many times I deleted and downloaded wow again and again, you will be back but if not then good luck with life.

  9. May 8, 2016  
    oh. my. god. you got perma banned for an honor exploit...thats sad :(

    I wish you good luck in your life, it was great fighting apkaha with you.

    p.s im pretty sure you'll be back in a week or something :D

  10. May 8, 2016  
    The way i did it was just delete the folder and was lazy to download it again in the next 2 years.. even then i didn't download it, i just transferred it with HDD :D

    Wish you all the best. Enjoy your life to the fullest! But yea, dis worse than a drug bru

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