1. May 11, 2016  
    You shouldn't judge an entire guild(especially one that has been here since 2012 and has had MANY MANY members) by the actions of a few members in it.

    We can't control how everyone acts and behaves in the guild unless we're in a raid. Outside the raids we only deal with and confront members who are reported to us by others via in-game or PMs.

  2. May 11, 2016  
    On a totally non-guild related note, I do happen to be a Armin Van Buuren fan. +1
    Edited: May 11, 2016

  3. May 11, 2016  

  4. May 11, 2016  
    On a completely related note ill drop this here http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=180341
    Oh.. That's outdated as far as I know. New rules dictate that guild drama is currently not on the list of things you can get infractions for (As long as it doesn't stoop down to plain insulting). So I would like to declare that this is fair game now.

  5. May 11, 2016  
    Oh.. That's outdated as far as I know. New rules dictate that guild drama is currently not on the list of things you can get infractions for (As long as it doesn't stoop down to plain insulting). So I would like to declare that this is fair game now.
    No, by all means continue both parties will be deleted and banned, ban's will vary from past history ect feel free to test it, or feel free to pm palutena regarding it.

  6. May 11, 2016  
    Lolicore is correct.

    I ask everyone reading this post to take a quick look in the Forum Rules that I have edited yesterday. All stickies related to Guild Drama have been removed as we will now allow "pvp" on forums, of course with some observations:

    Users will still get infracted for other kind of rule breaking (insulting, discrimination, staff disrespect, advertising, colored text, avoiding censor, account selling, spam or post to call Staff attention).

    We can still accept requests from Guild Masters to delete unwelcome posts in their Guild Recruitment Threads, just as anyother kind of spam or outdated posts are removed, also by request. So it is more wise to leave PVP for exclusive threads, like this one.

    Examples of how a Forum PVP can and can't go. An ok example:
    - Your guild has been owned many times, your members suck!!
    - We camp noobs from this guild all day.
    - Tom, Dick and Harry from guild Noobs of Tomorrow are ****ing clickers!

    Now an example of how it shouldn't be:
    Nigel is a fuking ret4rd like all people from Donkey Kong Country, Warmane protect all hax0rs, that's why I prefer to play in noob-wow, i'll just sell my account and I hope every staff member is READING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

  7. May 11, 2016  
    Lolicore is correct.

    I ask everyone reading this post to take a quick look in the Forum Rules that I have edited yesterday. All stickies related to Guild Drama have been removed as we will now allow "pvp" on forums, of course with some observations:

    Users will still get infracted for other kind of rule breaking (insulting, discrimination, staff disrespect, advertising, colored text, avoiding censor, account selling, spam or post to call Staff attention).

    We can still accept requests from Guild Masters to delete unwelcome posts in their Guild Recruitment Threads, just as anyother kind of spam or outdated posts are removed, also by request. So it is more wise to leave PVP for exclusive threads, like this one.

    Examples of how a Forum PVP can and can't go. An ok example:
    - Your guild has been owned many times, your members suck!!
    - We camp noobs from this guild all day.
    - Tom, Dick and Harry from guild Noobs of Tomorrow are ****ing clickers!

    Now an example of how it shouldn't be:
    Nigel is a fuking ret4rd like all people from Donkey Kong Country, Warmane protect all hax0rs, that's why I prefer to play in noob-wow, i'll just sell my account and I hope every staff member is READING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
    The doors to hell were, literally, open. Things, like this particular thread, will not be classy anymore.

  8. May 11, 2016  

  9. May 11, 2016  
    Why is this lynea so salty? Cuz sux at game and has to show skill at forums?(Forum skills sux aswell)

  10. May 11, 2016  
    Using guild members to back up a claim doesn't seem very balanced, so I suggest the OP asks people in-game about their opinion of how a guild acts. I think the results could be quite surprising, or not so surprising, depends on who you are.

    PS: Kicking people for interacting with other guilds doesn't seem that friendly, especially the second time around.

    PPS: Leona, that pvp analogy actually gave me a chuckle, thanks
    Edited: May 11, 2016

  11. May 11, 2016  
    Using guild members to back up a claim doesn't seem very balanced, so I suggest the OP asks people in-game about their opinion of how a guild acts. I think the results could be quite surprising, or not so surprising, depends on who you are.

    PS: Kicking people for interacting with other guilds doesn't seem that friendly, especially the second time around.
    is there a way to upvote this PS

  12. May 11, 2016  
    Being someone who is in their right mind, especially due to the fact that he hasn't played this game in months, I'll say this:

    All of you starting this guild drama are pathetic and low life's. Go outside and get some fresh air for once. I'm not choosing sides, but I will say you know who you are.

  13. May 11, 2016  

  14. May 11, 2016  
    Being someone who is in their right mind, especially due to the fact that he hasn't played this game in months, I'll say this:

    All of you starting this guild drama are pathetic and low life's. Go outside and get some fresh air for once. I'm not choosing sides, but I will say you know who you are.
    pls i open my window for fresh air

  15. May 11, 2016  
    I don't understand or see any reasons why the poster above is trying to shove you away from us but there's no harm in giving it a try to see for yourself.
    Because, in my experience, people joining your guild changes the person. For the worse. And I don't ever see you, nor any of your other officers trying to do anything about that.
    Unfortunately Elenthir, Lynea harbors a multi-year grudge against Aurora and seems to spend an irregular amount of time consumed with insulting the guild at all turns. Take her "advice" with a large grain of salt.
    If you consider my advice for them to turn away from you as an insult, meh, whatever you want. As for a grudge against your guild? Please, it's not like you all haven't worked rather hard to earn it. If you all were a bit more civilized in how you treat other members of the community on Ragnaros, you probably wouldn't have this issue. And to claim that it's just me that has a problem with your guild? Ha...

    I mean, if anything, you guys have a grudge against me and my guild. Kicking your own members because they posted a friendly comment on my guild's recruitment thread? Come on...
    I still don't get it. How are we non-friendly? Do you have any support for this?

    If what you're trying to say is true, this "non-friendly" guild would not exist anymore since well, who would want to be in a non-friendly guild right?

    The fact that we've been up for more than 3 years now counters the "non-friendly" claim.
    To add to the claims of other replies to this... what do you do about your members who try so hard to talk **** to other people outside the guild? As a leader in said guild, do you not care about the image their behavior projects? Because from what I've seen, you don't. I mean, if you read the other posts, you can see just how personal they are trying to be. I've never once addressed a specific individual. What I've said is about the guild. I'm not condemning any specific person, because I know that it may or may not include that person. The image your guild projects here is the issue. Not only is your guild not friendly at all, but it also makes the community as a whole more hostile, which ruins a bunch of the fun people are supposed to have playing the game. I mean, I transferred to Horde for a reason, you know. The "top" raiding scene on Alliance was not fun, nor did I wish to continue to risk getting myself banned because your members didn't like that my own guild was performing well at the time.
    You shouldn't judge an entire guild(especially one that has been here since 2012 and has had MANY MANY members) by the actions of a few members in it.

    We can't control how everyone acts and behaves in the guild unless we're in a raid. Outside the raids we only deal with and confront members who are reported to us by others via in-game or PMs.
    I'd understand your first line if your guild's outlook right now was any better than it has been in the past. If it were just you posting here, I'd probably be more inclined to agree. But the other guy posting for your guild here is giving the appearance of what I've come to expect from your guild: Douchebaggery.
    As for your second line, yes you most certainly can. The fact that these behaviors are so rampant, and even come from leadership within your guild, tells me that you don't even try. You don't even try.
    As for some people being exceptions, I know that too. Like a month ago when Leo and I ganked Jill when she was in STV. She was a good sport about it; she was in a group with Justmarried, and I happen to have Justmarried on Skype, so I know what her reaction was.
    Also I do enjoy your feigned ignorance of who your GM is on these forums although I probably missed all the staff bashing since no staff posted in this thread.
    It's funny how you try to make jabs at me as a moderator (why does this even matter?) and try to claim that I'll be "reprimanded" and etc. (you clearly haven't a clue as to what you're talking about, as indicated by Palutena in an above post), but then pretend that you're not trying to make veiled attacks at me. You have absolutely zero finesse. You know that? If people are to know that I'm a moderator, then it should also be noted that I take a major role in how the forum rules are written. So I think it's safe to say that I know what I'm allowed to post on the forum. Thanks.
    Why is this lynea so salty? Cuz sux at game and has to show skill at forums?(Forum skills sux aswell)
    More personal attacks, and you guys were insisting that you are a friendly guild. Is this how you make people think you're friendly? I mean, I honestly couldn't care less about this personal attack here, because unlike a lot of people, I couldn't care less if they think I am skilled or otherwise. If you know me well enough, then you know whether I am skilled or otherwise (and you'll also know that I could not care less about it). Either way, this has absolutely no relevancy to the discussion here with the exception of being further proof that you guys are NOT friendly.

    I think you guys should take a step back and think about all of this. See if you can understand why your guild is so strongly disliked by so many people. Trust me when I tell you, it has nothing to do with your "progression".
    Edited: May 11, 2016

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