1. Looking for guild

    Hi all,

    I'm looking for a casual, but good, raiding guild.


    Been playing priest since early BC. I've made 3, two of them horde lol. Always been holy and shadow. Played BC, all of wrath (familiar with all fights in wrath, though it's been a while - I was raid lead for T7, and T8 for my guild), start of cata, most of Panda (led many pugs, but had gone casual, so no guild prog), and WoD impressed me as much as it did the other 4 million ppl who quit....

    I keep commitments, and don't make them if I can't keep them. Solid healer. Not sure if there's still info out there about my first priests (Typhion of Blackhand) or my second and Third, Shiv or Avaydin of Blackhand. In MoP, as casuals go, I was an elite shadowpriest for dps.

    First toon on server, so yah, gold and heirloom starved, but will buy some. I don't like the idea of spend your way to glory though. Would prefer to join folks who get gear the old fashioned way. Its more fun to get it that way, than explaining to the wife why I'm buying 1's and 0's.

    What I like to do:

    Mainly raid. Don't care to just grind one raid though. I realize ICC is prog content, but hopefully whoever I join has alt runs on T7 up to 9 content.
    Do some PvP, mainly just BG's, though I did some arena
    Off the cuff stuff. I love kiting and bending mechanics. If there's a little known mob or quest or mechanic, chances are I know about it and have messed with it. I min max everything, not just stats. Movement, distance, location, timing.
    Mount farming, pet farming, and trying to solo/two man older content just to push myself in new ways

    How I act:

    I'm 38, so I act like it. I'm polite with a dry sense of humor. I avoid saying stupid things and can forgive ignorance, but have zero tolerance for pure idiocy.
    I live outside of the game, but will play consistently with most of my time being on the weekends and maybe an hour weekdays/nights.

    If you're not looking for a player like moi, would you be kind enough to point me in the right direction?



  2. message me in game Deylethari or tankthat

    I am horde side

  3. Thanks for the response Tankthat. I'm traveling for work this week, but should be on tomorrow night US central time. I'll apply via site too if you have a standard application.


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