1. Account Unlocking via code?

    I didnt log in for awhile now everytime i log in, on website or ingame, it asks me a code, that as far as it says it's written on a MOBILE APP. That i totally dont have. I used to have google authenticator but it was just before i DISABLED 2 step authentication on my gmail account.

    If i disabled it why is warmane keep asking me the code?

    Please help i am a premium account player i don t wanna make another one and wait the queue

    Adding info: I dont remember my actual email. I thought it was my main one, - i typed here email but delete later - , but i am not sure of that. Maybe an admin can check? It would be very appreciated because if i found off the email bounded to my account i can get inside the mail and fix it by myself, in case.
    Edited: June 22, 2016

  2. edit your post to remove that email address.
    go here if you want warmane support: https://www.warmane.com/account/support > "create ticket"

    you can try to disable 2 step auth here: https://www.warmane.com/account/retrieve > " remove 2 step auth"

  3. Can't disable 2 step from there because it asks me the code to enter with my account! xD

    Removed email from the post btw

  4. log out first, then go here: https://www.warmane.com/account/retrieve and select " remove 2 step auth"

  5. Issue partially solved. I can log in in the website cuz i successfully disabled 2 step authentication, but when i go ingame, or " try to go", it keeps asking me the code. Plz halp

  6. as I said, since you are a premium you should ask here for help https://www.warmane.com/account/support

    btw many players are having your same issue, they have disabled game 2 step auth but the client is still asking for that

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