1. Early level income issues

    So I'm not sure if I'm just doing something wrong, but I have like no money to afford my skills and can barely afford flight paths. I'm level 18 and haven't played since way before the servers merged. Maybe it was always this way but I really don't remember having this issue before. Any advice on how to make decent money to afford skills/mount at early levels would be appreciated. Thanks.

  2. Get mining + skinning, and skin and mine **** in low level zones. It sells quite nice, especially the ores.

  3. Use professions. Any profession can gain you lots of money while leveling, since old school mats are quite expensive.

  4. Step1 Find the Highest gs player in orgrimmar
    Step2 Begin by telling him your dying, he will have sympathy this way
    Step3 have a massive drawn out convo starting innocently with 'Hey man'
    Step4 Plis Gold Sir
    Step5 Waste it on other low levels dancing Naked for gold.

  5. Step1 Find the Highest gs player in orgrimmar
    Step2 Begin by telling him your dying, he will have sympathy this way
    Step3 have a massive drawn out convo starting innocently with 'Hey man'
    Step4 Plis Gold Sir
    Step5 Waste it on other low levels dancing Naked for gold.
    Some solid advice here. But really thanks for the answers everyone.

  6. Get mining + skinning, and skin and mine **** in low level zones. It sells quite nice, especially the ores.
    the thing is, on a mid-exp realm we kinda wanna level up quickly
    that put us on a slow paced leveling situation, where we have to stop the leveling process to make some gold

    while profession is a good source of gold, its not the optimal design for a mid-exp leveling process, other sources like quest rewards should be a better option

    i like using professions as a source for a personal gear upgrade though, like leveling with skinning/LW so i can just farm my own gear, its a satisfactory process, the bad part is when i need some weapon upgrade

  7. It doesn't really slow down the process of leveling if you level and mine/skin stuff on your way while doing quests. A lot of animals you kill for quests can be skinned. Many ores are spawning where quest mobs are, or while you ride towards them.

  8. there is still some issues on this
    the prices for low level gear available on AH doesnt match the prices on low level mats
    i had to drop herbalism to pick up leatherworking to keep my armor on pair, but now im questing level 30 zones on level 15 weapons

    it takes much more time to farm and sell these mats than it takes to outlevel the weapon and having to upgrade them again
    it slow down by a lot, i have to keep checking atlas for weapon upgrades on dungeons, and sometimes i end up doing dungeons with grayed out mobs for a drop

    so after all this process, i figured out that its much more efficient to questing on green difficulty zones, duskwood is still nice at level 30, but now it takes some time to keep my armour on pair but at 80 it will pay off

  9. When I started playing on this server (about 2 months ago) I rolled 2 gathering professions - herb + mining. My friend borrowed me 1k gold for riding / skills. When I was lvl 40 I gave him his money back because I made about 2k gold from selling almost everything I gathered and looted while leveling. So I don't believe that people don't have money for skills. They're just lazy.

    PS: I also had money for flying, swift flying + cold weather flying when I had level for that thanks to my professions and effort to sell everything on the AH.
    Edited: June 26, 2016

  10. Ok so there are quite a few low level items that people need at high level to level up professions. Coyote meat is used to level up cooking and it's a bottleneck. So players either have to go farm it or buy it off AH. It sells for quite a lot. And mobs that drop it in Westfall are lvl 10. Briarthorn and Swiftthistle are both used to make Swiftness Potions they increase you movement speed by 15% for 10 secs or something. You can farm those 2 herbs with low level herbalism. Fishing can also get you some nice cash. oily Blackmouth fish can be fished in STV and is used to make free-action potions making you immune to stuns and CC for 30 seconds. You literally need lvl 30 for farm and sell that fish. At a bit higher level another cooking bottle neck is Raw Whitescale Salmon you can farm it in the lake north of Feralas it sell for about 1-2k a stack. Other than that I recommend selling stacks of cloth you get from killing mobs as you level. And don't delete greens/blues always put up gear that you cannot use on AH. As you level up professions always note of which mat was the hardest to get that mat usually sells for a lot. And it is worth to farm it. Twink items are also in good demand . Farming Uldaman if you are lvl 60-70 and trying to get Pendulum of doom axe that can be sold for 10k+ to certain people might be worth your time if you get lucky. There a tons of items like these that can be farmed and sold for a great amount of gold. You just have to pay attention to the game and what people need.

  11. Rule for your first toon - DON'T learn all your skills. Only learn the ones you really need. Is it necessary to learn rank 2 of frost armor, track demons, seal of wisdom, etc... When you will not really benefit from them?

    As alliance - Mine copper ore (Smelt if the price is more, depends) and go to the cooking vendor in Stormwind (The one in the inn at the what is it called... Old town?) and buy some of the recipes there to sell on the AH. The recipes you can purchase are ones normally from quests, the boar ribs recipe, westfall stew, etc... A lot of people don't know about that vendor and don't want to do the quests so they just buy the recipes blindly for like 20-100g each just to get one step closer to learning them all.

    As horde - Learn fishing and fish in the barrens. Sell Deviate fish in the AH. (Quest in the barrens and hope for the Savory deviate recipe to drop... If so that's a few thousand there)

    ANY greens you get you can easily sell. If you have an hour to spare just learn enchanting and disenchant all low level weapons and armor you get from quests. I believe lesser magic essence is about 20-30g each at least and the dusk is a few gold. Just do NOT focus on maxing enchanting. Once you get to the point where you need a black pearl to level it up more stop as it will not give you a good profit again until about level 60 with disenchanting outlands weapons for planar essences.

    Also to add if you play as a rogue you can get pickpocket and each enemy at about level 15 or so gives 8-10 silver or so each time you pickpocket if you'd rather not deal with the AH. Plus you get a ton of potions that way. I remember using health pots every CD when leveling my rogue and never running out because I'd get one every few enemies. (It was my first character so no heirlooms and I was poor)

  12. im done farming tokens on retail, now i can put some time learning the leveling curve on 7x realms

    i have noticed that all leveling guides are outdated, before icecrown i tried leveling a warrior and a mage on DW
    mage levels quicker because of the amount of cloth that drops and how quickly i could upgrade my gear with tailor, its faster than LW, and weapons didnt really matter at all, so i assume that it should be better to level a caster or a hunter to fund my characters that relly on weapons

    the only difference is that icecrown RDF is active, on DW i had a 4 hours queue as tank till i gave up
    dungeons seems slow, but a viable way to upgrade leveling gear

    7x leveling is kinda interesting, its not as boring as 1x, but its like 10x slower than retail

  13. In general casters scale better 1-58 because they tend to work with no gear at all, unlike melees

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