1. Auction house limitations

    Would you ever consider making items purchased from the auction house to be unable to be sold for a higher price again on the auction house? The auction houses on icecrown and lordareon are overflowing with auction house bots that immediately buy materials if you sell them for a reasonable price and immediately repost them for 10x the price. This hurts new players and especially lower level players since they are unable to buy items that are useful for leveling.

  2. That's called "playing the Auction House" and is perfectly within what the game expects from the players - people want to make a profit. Also, those aren't necessarily bots. What you're describing can be done by people with add-ons. Your complain about how it impacts low-levels would only have some basis if players were unable to equip themselves for leveling otherwise, which is comfortably covered with quest rewards anyways.

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