1. July 2, 2016  
    Mate look isn't about "of boring leveling".It is about to feel the game like back then in retail woltk.Ye it's hard to get PvP set and is hard to levelling but that is the funniest part cuz when you hit 80 level you will feel so greatly.Believe me

  2. July 2, 2016  
    Some people want to have the retail experience (with slow leeling, farming and everything that comes with it), others just want to PvP. Let everyone play however they want, that's why different servers exist.
    Don't like Lordaeron PvP? You can alway make a toon on Icercrown.

  3. July 2, 2016  
    but that is the funniest part cuz when you hit 80 level you will feel so greatly
    ay lmao

    fresh dinged lordaeron pvper, who has wasted 3 months for leveling, surely feels greatly, because in next year he has to wait till ICC and wrathfull release, and then clear dragon caves for 2 years to get important pve parts other players in need as well
    spend half of life clearing dragons, that is what every pvp player wants for sure
    Edited: July 2, 2016

  4. July 2, 2016  
    I actually really enjoy PvP on Lordaeron. It's as close as you can get to the playstyle at retail. You have a lot of people without bis, lots of people in full pve gear. On Blackrock and Icecrown everyone is insanely geared compared to Lord, and playing on Lord reminds me of what it was like at retail back in the days.
    The BG queues and 2v2 queues are fine. I just wish that 3v3 was more active, but as long as you advertise in global you usually get teams to play against.
    If organised better I believe that 3v3 could be a lot more active on Lord, if people just took the time to set up times where many people can play. Right now it's a vicious cycle - everyone knows that few people play 3v3, so they don't bother trying. Result is no one else tries.

    In general I'd say that the state of PvP at Lord is good, but it could be a lot better. It all depends on what you want. People need to stop assuming that the way they like it is the way that everyone else likes it as well. I enjoy slow leveling. You don't? Okay. Everyone's different. Same goes for PvP preferences when it comes to gear etc. The only thing that I wish for PvP on Lord though is that the population would increase, but we need to make that happene ourselves.

  5. July 2, 2016  
    People surely are moving to icecrown for now but im pretty sure by the time ICC is released on lordaeron people will surely comeback,Currently top 30% of the pvp ladder is dominated by Lolmournes,You literally dont stand a chance without full Wrathful gear/Icc,RS trinklets unless you are a Reckful tier player u keep getting beaten down and down by Full BiS players on icecrown.so Tl;DR its just a temporary population drop,i can gurantee you people will surely comeback by the time full ICC content is released on lordaeron.

  6. July 3, 2016  
    Pvp player wants to start pvp asap, instead of wasting 3+ months for boring leveling.
    Add here ****ty disbalanced gear level and you get whole picture.
    PvP balance in WoW? Never happened.

    People surely are moving to icecrown for now but im pretty sure by the time ICC is released on lordaeron people will surely comeback,Currently top 30% of the pvp ladder is dominated by Lolmournes,You literally dont stand a chance without full Wrathful gear/Icc,RS trinklets unless you are a Reckful tier player u keep getting beaten down and down by Full BiS players on icecrown.so Tl;DR its just a temporary population drop,i can gurantee you people will surely comeback by the time full ICC content is released on lordaeron.
    Also this.
    Edited: July 3, 2016 Reason: Additions.

  7. July 4, 2016  

    I came here few months ago with 4(!) other friends in hope there will be some fair non-p2w pvp here, while also looking for casual raiding. Current status: 5/5 of us gave up. Me being the most "hardcore" of us could make it to level 75, others gave up quicker even before hitting 60 beacuse why? The 1x experience and the lack of RDF (yes i know what blizzlike means but it is 2016). 5/5 of us agreed that the boring, overplayed 1-80 (wrath is what? 8 years old now?) leveling experience is not what keeps us here. It is rather the opposite. I quit 2 months ago, decided now to look back to see what has changed. I was told that people migrate to icecrown, because they are spared of the leveling annoyance. I was like "wow great, i should play there!". Then i realised it is p2w which is a bigger bane to me than the 1x xp. So now I'm stuck on an other wrath server with bad population, non-existent player support, trash website, BUT working and non p2w content (obviously not naming it). I had a massive boner for the new Warmane system, website and server but it just does not provide what I expected.

    All this coming from a player with experiences from hardcore raiding guilds, also experienced pvper.

    Hopefully, my struggle is understandable. Any advice?

  8. July 4, 2016  
    But why would you choose that other server since you named its negatives so clearly - low population, no GM support and trash website (don't see how that affects your gameplay though). You exclaimed that the other server is non-p2w but so is Lordaeron realm and it doesn't have the downsides mentioned above.

  9. July 4, 2016  
    Suck it up. No, really: suck it up.

    Lordaeron is built to be slow-paced, even more so than retail was. Icecrown is the merging of two realms that existed for years and were filled with people fully geared up, not all of them from donating. But you'll call it p2w anyways, won't you? So the advice is: suck it up. Stay playing in this other ****ty server, deal with what you dislike here or start your own server where everything can be the way you like. Your teary stories aren't going to change anything here.

  10. July 4, 2016  

  11. July 6, 2016  
    Fixed it for you bro. :)
    The hero we need, but not the one we deserve

  12. July 6, 2016  
    I am a new player on this private Server, so if someone can share his experiences with me it would be awesome.

    I've read that 2s is popping almost instantly all the time but 3s is lacking pretty hard. Is that true?
    When did the current season begin?

    How about BGs? Are the BGs popping, any faction in favour (usually) and are the BGs full with people?

    I looked up the armory and saw that the first 100 teams are atleast over 2k rating. Thats higher than on Icecrown or on Blackrock both being at ~1950.

    And the last question is if there are german people playing here? Most of the people I saw were either NA or RU.

    Thanks in advance!

  13. July 6, 2016  
    I am a new player on this private Server, so if someone can share his experiences with me it would be awesome.

    I've read that 2s is popping almost instantly all the time but 3s is lacking pretty hard. Is that true?
    When did the current season begin?

    How about BGs? Are the BGs popping, any faction in favour (usually) and are the BGs full with people?

    I looked up the armory and saw that the first 100 teams are atleast over 2k rating. Thats higher than on Icecrown or on Blackrock both being at ~1950.

    And the last question is if there are german people playing here? Most of the people I saw were either NA or RU.

    Thanks in advance!
    i wish u never exprience 3v3 in s6.
    Arms/Uh DK was too STRONK even in 2v2, imagine adding hpaladin to them. enjoy "balance" (cuz progressive, kekek) s6 PvP

  14. July 6, 2016  
    There are many factors, but number one is, that its not blizzlike feeling and the realm is only ment for hardcore pve-raider.

    As a pvp-player, the content sucks.
    A pvp-caster usually needs haste-items, but there arent many pvp-haste items until S7. You will need pve-gear.
    A pvp-melee usually needs pve-offparts, but at least good pve trinkets. You will need pve-gear.

    On retail, you could at least do Naxx for free (since it was like freeloot) and VoA at Lordaerons current content patch. Here you need a good pve-guild and be an active raider to get basic items for pvp. If you prefer casual pve to get your pve-items and dislike hardcore-pve, it wont work for most pvp-players on Lordaeron.

    The main problem is, that there is no real change coming to improve this issue. Imagine you are a warrior pvp player and icc is finally active on Lordaeron. There is no active 3v3. You wont get any pve-items without joining a raidguild and start hardcore pve. Because, if you dont, you will stuck forever with your 264 pvp wep and battlemaster trinket and this is just not enough to kill a 1400+ resilience holypala and you will lose any mirror against players with good pve-gear at default, just because pve gear/ilvl matters this much for warriors.

    In short: pvp players need some pve-gear to stay competitive and have fun in pvp but need to hardcore raid to do so. If they dislike hardcore pve, they will go to other servers/realms.

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