No longer supporting older versions of WoW. You can try any of the versions at CurseForge/Twitch, at your own risk. Please don't search out our discord, as we can't help you at all getting it to work.
'); document.write(''); var yuipath = 'clientscript/yui'; var yuicombopath = ''; var remoteyui = false; } else // Load Rest of YUI remotely (where possible) { var yuipath = ''; var yuicombopath = ''; var remoteyui = true; if (!yuicombopath) { document.write(''); } } var SESSIONURL = "s=399d22e3b17087427c2ba67bb2adc3ab&"; var SECURITYTOKEN = "guest"; var IMGDIR_MISC = "warmane/misc"; var IMGDIR_BUTTON = "warmane/buttons"; var vb_disable_ajax = parseInt("0", 10); var SIMPLEVERSION = "422"; var BBURL = ""; var LOGGEDIN = 0 > 0 ? true : false; var THIS_SCRIPT = "showthread"; var RELPATH = "showthread.php?p=2703896"; var PATHS = { forum : "", cms : "", blog : "" }; var AJAXBASEURL = ""; var CoTTooltips = { rename: true, icons: false, iconsize: 15, qualitycolor: true, overridecolor: { spells: '#839309', items: '', npcs: '#fff', objects: '#fff', quests: '#ffb100', achievements: '#fff' } }; // -->
No longer supporting older versions of WoW. You can try any of the versions at CurseForge/Twitch, at your own risk. Please don't search out our discord, as we can't help you at all getting it to work.
Edited: April 1, 2020 Reason: Addon obsolete, no longer developed for older versions of WoW.
So we meet again, Mr. Norberg.
Glad to see you here, fellow AddOn author.
You should add your patreon aswell since someone might be interested.
On another note, you should push a release version @ curse so it shows up correctly on the curse project page.
Chris / humfras
Hi, and thanks for the advice! :)
I tried getting it out to Curse, but Curse - or possibly GitKraken which is new too me, was giving me a headache last night. No matter what tag I added in GitKraken, it wouldn't be recognized by CurseForge, and no version was pushed out to Curse. And CurseForge no longer has the option to manually tag and push a file either, it seems. I could always manually zip and upload, I guess, but... meh. Not really effective. :o
If anybody has any idea why tags in GitKraken aren't recognized by CurseForge, I'd love to know! Otherwise I'll guess I'll just have to google until something pops up. It always does, sooner or later. :)
Regarding Curseforge, you can change the "File Type" from "Alpha" to "Release" in the respective "File management" options for any uploaded file.
I'm using the curse SVN with TortoiseSVN so I can't help you with GitKraken ;)
Yeah, I tried that. Then it refused to package anything at all! The problem isn't really the CurseForge packager, it's that the tag I put on my repository somehow isn't recognized by CurseForge. It's like I haven't tagged it and all, and so they think it's an alpha, not a beta or release. Weird.
I'm new to gitkraken myself, been using TortoiseHG/Mercurial previously.
Oh well, I'll figure it out somehow. Or manually zip if everything else fails! ;)
I think Gethe uses GitKraken, I'd might be helpfull to ask him.
The UI is now available on Curse, and I've updated the original post with the links to it! :)
Awesome work you've done so far. I really hope you are finishing this; as the time goes I started building upon it using WeakAuras to make it viable for raids. Thank you very much.
Thank you for giving it a try! :)
And yeah, most definitely finishing this. It's a work in progress, and I add something new nearly on a daily basis here. Got ToT and Focus frames added yesterday, and working on getting the stance bar, target buffs/debuffs and various texts on the health bars out there. A work in constant progress indeed. ;)
And ofc I'm making it compatible with everything from WotLK (3.3.5) to Legion (7.0.3). And I do plan to add TBC into it too, but since Blizzard changed a lot in their system from TBC to WotLK, and not really that much since, I'm postponing the TBC thing until the entire UI is done. Gotta prioritize the users that can actually use it first. ;)
*looks at the secure handlers in TBC* *looks at the combat log*
Nice progress.
I dislike the style itself but you've done an excellent job with it (again) and I can totally see were you (and zork ;) ) come from regarding the overall esthetics.
My favorite always was gBags and I hope you implement that aswell since it was great in WotLK and Cata (I switched to cargBags Nivaya with MoP since I was actively developing it back then, sorry mate ;)
I pretty much copied the artwork from screenshots I took while playing Diablo3, and then I went berserk and improved on it A LOT! The Blizzard devs has nothing on me, lol! The way this is going, they ought to fire their team and hire me! ;)
Jokes aside, though. This is sort of like an experiment to me. I really do like the D3 style, but I have full intentions of creating another custom UI later on, with my own artwork from scratch, but based on the code I'm developing in this one. Because I want to create something that is mine to its very core, something that doesn't look like any other UI out there. :)
And I totally plan to make a bag addon again. One far better than my previous ones. I keep postponing it, though, because a bag addon is a BIIIIG project! In gUI2 and gUI3 (my older UIs) the bag module had about as much code and time invested as the entire rest of the UI combined! Then again, this time I've done it before a few times, so everything is faster now. :)
You would have my vote on that ;)
Good luck with that.
"Oh, I'm afraid the technical base will be quite operational"
Yeah, I can totally agree with that. Annoying as f***
I'll measure on this ;-P
btw: Could you be so kind and do something about the pending friend request ;)
Edited: July 5, 2016
Heh, it wasn't on the top of the screen, (and in a way visible to me personally) flashing me in my face, so I didn't even know it was there! :p
As a diehard Diablo fan (since Diablo 1) I have to give you my respect for this. The nostalgia did hit me immediatly.
I'll definitely try this out as soon as I have a chance.