1. Learn to mix it up. Maybe pandarens are lazy to get gear without any effort. Wotlk is the best way to mix up pve and pvp gear and people put in effort to get gear, unlike mop where people got lazy because of pandas . Again, pandas in wow rofl.
    The only person who **** about pandas is the one who knows 0% of wow lore. You can hate pandas but say "pandas in wow rofl" showed how stupid you are.

  2. And btw play whatever expansion you want, doesnt matter, every one have good and bad things but the only reason why peoples play WotLK here the most its because that realm is the most scripted. I am 99% sure if Lordaeron or Icecrown have bugs and closed content like Frostwolf population would be 3k max...just like MoP now. And one more thing...wotlk players here always rage at MoP and Cata players saying that we are stupid cause we playing easy expansion. The truth is you only know how to play that 300 years old content and you suck at smthing new...easy as that. As i said play what you want to play and stop rage at others.

  3. And btw play whatever expansion you want, doesnt matter, every one have good and bad things but the only reason why peoples play WotLK here the most its because that realm is the most scripted. I am 99% sure if Lordaeron or Icecrown have bugs and closed content like Frostwolf population would be 3k max...just like MoP now. And one more thing...wotlk players here always rage at MoP and Cata players saying that we are stupid cause we playing easy expansion. The truth is you only know how to play that 300 years old content and you suck at smthing new...easy as that. As i said play what you want to play and stop rage at others.
    And classes are even harder. well, not warriors or such.
    AS a warlock in wotlk as i tested that garbage xpac , in mop i can do lots of things and have lots of playstiles. In wotlk as a warlock i can't do crap really. To make things worse , just 2 globals from a rogue opener brings ur health to 30%.
    Wotlk hard expac? hahaha/ Whats hard about it ? whoever press buttons faster and wears more pve than others?

  4. And btw play whatever expansion you want, doesnt matter, every one have good and bad things but the only reason why peoples play WotLK here the most its because that realm is the most scripted. I am 99% sure if Lordaeron or Icecrown have bugs and closed content like Frostwolf population would be 3k max...just like MoP now. And one more thing...wotlk players here always rage at MoP and Cata players saying that we are stupid cause we playing easy expansion. The truth is you only know how to play that 300 years old content and you suck at smthing new...easy as that. As i said play what you want to play and stop rage at others.
    Quite frankly, no. Wotlk has almost always been the most populous. You're welcome to search for yourself and compare how many wotlk servers are out there to Cataclysm and MoP. The only expansion that recently got numbers like Wotlk did is vanilla, and that is sadly on the down trend as well now.

    And classes are even harder. well, not warriors or such.
    AS a warlock in wotlk as i tested that garbage xpac , in mop i can do lots of things and have lots of playstiles. In wotlk as a warlock i can't do crap really. To make things worse , just 2 globals from a rogue opener brings ur health to 30%.
    Wotlk hard expac? hahaha/ Whats hard about it ? whoever press buttons faster and wears more pve than others?
    I only comment because I have to speak out against misinformation.

    In general, wotlk is considered a very unforgiving expansion. When you are in the wrong position, you pay VERY dearly for it (you either die or you lose a defensive cooldown). If you are out of position in MoP, your healer can bail you out quite easily (specially mw).

    Almost universally, classes were made easier in Cata, and then easier still in MoP. This was because players wanted (more like forced into) a more casual experience. In MoP, as a warlock, you can put dot's on one target, use dark soul (it empowers dots already on target) and then inhale/exhale them onto everyone. In wotlk, ya right. Have fun trying to maintain dots on everyone while keeping people CC'd, it won't happen. You can bring up any class (except monks) and I will explain to you quickly what quality of life changes were taken to make the class easier to play.

    MoP is a flashier game, and it runs very smoothly. PvP is also very smooth, with damage not being overly bursty and lots of movement abilities for all classes. While in general this may make the game "fun" for players who can't be bothered to understand what positioning is, it makes the game less fun for those wanted to see a more balanced game. Speaking of balance though, this realm isn't even half scripted, so what little balance retail had, even that isn't present here.

    Finally, I actually probably find MoP more enjoyable (when everything actually works) because of how much content was added in this expansion compared to others. I dislike the PvP on this expansion a lot, because it is very noob friendly, but that is just my opinion. I also dislike how the game lost any meaning of "RPG" when MoP launched. MoP is mostly just a grind fest, not too dissimilar to Diablo. Think about how the gearing process works, it is a grind. Think about quests for classes, they got removed. Lore was handled VERY poorly as well. Just overall, the game got VERY casual starting in Cata, and MoP sadly turned the notch up even more. God forbid we ever have a WoD realm to really see what an MMO Diablo looks like. Maybe Legion will have more of what made WoW great, but that's so far that I can probably enjoy my 10 year old expansion very well before I switch to it (if it's any good). Probably why retail subscription tanked after Wotlk ended...

  5. Some people keep comparing expansions. Is it just the main issue of the thread? A: NO.

    The main issue here is to add some love to mop adding some old content, which I agree btw (although I still rather pvp fixes).

    FFS, at least put some gear/mounts for VPs... that way it's less obvious the real intentions behind it (which, at this high, everyone has thought about it) AND the excuses that server gives to players of not doing it, would be more credible... besides, seeing how many VPs you need per piece is not like you're receiving them with no so much 'effort' or time involved.

    (Although, I'm aware of the double-edged sword of the previous measure).

    *As an add, imho, Cata servers should have been erased long time ago, so resources don't have to be splitted the way they do right now.
    Edited: July 19, 2016

  6. well, at least there are pet battles

    and they said its working fine

  7. From a PVP perspective, is the PVP in endgame arenas working atleast 80%?

  8. Hueheueeheuhue WoW's highest sub numbers were actually the mid of cata; then we saw a drop and then it soared up to like 85% of its peak subs when WoD dropped. Does that indicate WoD was a good xpac? No. Sub numbers don't dictate what is the best xpac.

    The illusion of customization in wotlk with the cookie cutter talent tree is just sad. In MoP, you had real customization. Once two really good talents were put on the same line of the tree, it forced you to actually make a decision based on your playstyle and being able to swap them before every arena really did give you a feeling of a shift in playstyle. Do you ever see that in Wotlk? No, because it is so hardwired.

  9. Mop gearing system is the best, because it needs no work, and no achievement. It doesn't need you to be at any rating, and can be farmed by mindlessly losing bgs. In wotlk, you need to be good to actually get
    Wrong. You need to be X rating to get the best weapons in mop. You guys are just farming honor to get the same gear :L
    We can grind BGs for tier 1 gear and cap conquest for the week to get a piece of the second tier gear. You guys could literally just afk BGs until youre fully geared. We have to win our arenas.

    Play the expansion before you talk **** about it.

    - Played from beginning of wrath to now.

  10. Wrong. You need to be X rating to get the best weapons in mop. You guys are just farming honor to get the same gear :L
    We can grind BGs for tier 1 gear and cap conquest for the week to get a piece of the second tier gear. You guys could literally just afk BGs until youre fully geared. We have to win our arenas.

    Play the expansion before you talk **** about it.

    - Played from beginning of wrath to now.
    No you don't! no piece of prideful requires you to achive certain rating... except the Elite gear which btw... is no better than normal prideful... it just a recolored version of prideful for bragging rigths only... the only requirement for weapons in MoP is to achieve a certain amount of Honor/Conquest... while on Wotlk you actually neeed rating in order to be able to buy certain pieces of gear...

  11. Wrong. You need to be X rating to get the best weapons in mop. You guys are just farming honor to get the same gear :L
    We can grind BGs for tier 1 gear and cap conquest for the week to get a piece of the second tier gear. You guys could literally just afk BGs until youre fully geared. We have to win our arenas.

    Play the expansion before you talk **** about it.

    - Played from beginning of wrath to now.
    Have you ever played MoP? It seems not cause if you had played you wouldn't talk **** like that. In MoP you get max PvP gear (Prideful) without any rating requirements. The only use for rating here is to increase maximum CP cap and to get achievement and maybe becoming R1. Nothing more.

    And personally, as a player who played both MoP and WotLK at almost high ratings, I can say WotLK PvP is harder and demands higher skill. But I don't like it for simple reasons like class mechanisms and huge difference between gear tiers (like a 6.5k ret pala can basically 2 shot a 5.5k player).

  12. i don't get whats with all the drama about expansions, its quite simple, if you don't like MOP then don't play it >problem solved<
    its beyond my level of understanding why there have been 4 pages on this thread with flames regarding which expansion is better @ pvp, which is rather stupid considering blizzard purposely made pvp unbalanced in every expansion and each expansion had a favorite class that rekt everyone in arenas
    plus, i remember a time when wotlk realms were so bugged and boring that they were at the bottom of the "online players" list barely holding 2-3k players, and ofc 90% of the warmane active player base moved to the wotlk realms lately, they are the only ones that actually get attention
    yet considering lordaeron's active population dropped by almost 40% when icecrown got live and stable, kinda tells you a lot about the active population base.

    there is more to "why people like MOP" than just pvp, we also like the variety of pve elements, some like the story, some simply like the ability to fly wherever they want with easy access, and some are farmers and like the autoloot
    aside from this, the main point of this topic was to raise awareness and get the dev team to show a little love to the old content, if you're more interested in broken pvp systems than please, do the needful and move topics or take it privately, 90% of you didn't even think the reply through when you posted it, sooo yeah
    Edited: July 22, 2016

  13. Have you ever played MoP? It seems not cause if you had played you wouldn't talk **** like that. In MoP you get max PvP gear (Prideful) without any rating requirements. The only use for rating here is to increase maximum CP cap and to get achievement and maybe becoming R1. Nothing more.
    You can grind honor for Grievous or cap conquest for Prideful. Where in wotlk, you guys are stuck in the same season and are all farming for the same gear. You could just AFK battlegrounds until you are almost full slotted.

    We are limited by conquest cap, you guys are limited by rating for a few pieces of gear. And we have to cap X amount of conquest before the weapons unlock anyway. We would have to spend equal time in arenas to get the same amount of gear.

    Enjoy your cookie cutter expansion.
    Edited: July 22, 2016 Reason: Added stuff in.

  14. How about we go back to the topic ? Why are you arguing over what expansion is better. Tomsawyer is right, it is kinda boring when you are mostly a pvp player and you have nothing after arena and bg. I want to raid too, but since I am guild leader I can't give a leader to someone else because of bug, I cant join a pve guild. And we want old dungeons/raids to be opened, so staff please can you answer at least this : " When can we expect for you to release some of the dungeons/raids on Frostwolf ? " Thank you

  15. Wrong. You need to be X rating to get the best weapons in mop. You guys are just farming honor to get the same gear :L
    We can grind BGs for tier 1 gear and cap conquest for the week to get a piece of the second tier gear. You guys could literally just afk BGs until youre fully geared. We have to win our arenas.

    Play the expansion before you talk **** about it.

    - Played from beginning of wrath to now.
    Ehh, made a mistake in my post. It should have said "Mop gearing system is the best for lazy people, because...".

    Not sure if you're second last line is directed towards me, because if it is, I recommend reading (and thoroughly understanding) posts, before replying.

    We're comparing expansions because our good friend Synx7 was busy spreading misinformation. It's only necessary to correct *****ic posts when they are made, rather than allow them to fester.

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