1. Creating a new casual/beginner PvE Guild

    So is anyone interested?
    Its alliance-side, I plan on taking on people that haven't really raided before and helping them get a start on it.
    No absurd requirements like 5.8kGS for ICC10N or anything like that. Just fun, voice comms, gearing and hanging out.

  2. The first PUG I threw for PvE beginners ( Granted there were several more experienced players).
    They were all from 4.8 to 5.5 GS, and we managed to clear the first four bosses of ICC25N with ease, but were limited on Festergut due to lack of tank stats.
    Just to show that it is very possible to do everything with a nice approach, most of them have never raided, let alone went into 25 man mode of ICC. A big shoutout to all of them and I hope I can continue to spread these hours of enjoyment, mutual respect and adamant patience.
    Post raid shot:
    Edited: August 12, 2016 Reason: bad link =(

  3. The first PUG I threw for PvE beginners ( Granted there were several more experienced players).
    They were all from 4.8 to 5.5 GS, and we managed to clear the first four bosses of ICC25N with ease, but were limited on Festergut due to lack of tank stats.
    Just to show that it is very possible to do everything with a nice approach, most of them have never raided, let alone went into 25 man mode of ICC. A big shoutout to all of them and I hope I can continue to spread these hours of enjoyment, mutual respect and adamant patience.
    Post raid shot:
    Nothing but admiration for you if you're staying true to your word.

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