1. Looking for people to level up with rdf with

    me and a friend or 2 are going to be leveling on this server and we wanna do low level dungeons with rdf and we need a few people down to level to 15 and just play with us :) we chill grp of ppl

  2. Sorry to come here ruin your fun but RDF is disabled at the moment and there's no info about when it will come, but my guess is when ICC will be released, which is still a long way there

  3. well im gonna go cry then. thanks tho ;-;

  4. From what I heard it will never be available, not even after ICC. So, yeah....

  5. Is there any GM/admins' direct reference about RDF will "never" be implemented? I just find it really odd. The rdf we know came out in 3.3.0 when icc got released, if I'm not mistaken ofc, so I thought the same would happen in here aswell. From what I can remember, they said rdf won't come any soon, but that was long time ago when this server had lvl 60/70 cap. I guess time will tell

  6. Is there any GM/admins' direct reference about RDF will "never" be implemented? I just find it really odd. The rdf we know came out in 3.3.0 when icc got released, if I'm not mistaken ofc, so I thought the same would happen in here aswell. From what I can remember, they said rdf won't come any soon, but that was long time ago when this server had lvl 60/70 cap. I guess time will tell
    I don't have any quote on me, but it's been said a couple of times by Warmane officials here on the forums.

  7. Is there any GM/admins' direct reference about RDF will "never" be implemented? I just find it really odd. The rdf we know came out in 3.3.0 when icc got released, if I'm not mistaken ofc, so I thought the same would happen in here aswell. From what I can remember, they said rdf won't come any soon, but that was long time ago when this server had lvl 60/70 cap. I guess time will tell

  8. I need few references about rdf "never" going live. I'm sorry but a regular player saying just because he says so or because he heard of won't mean anything for me. Meanwhile, I've been searching a little bit and I found the following

    http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=301200&page=7 - by Mercy, 3/10/2015

    It was added in 3.3. If you want to do dungeons for some gear and EXP, you are welcome to have a couple people run there and use the summoning stone plus global for LFG. The point of disabling RDF is to remove the ease-of-access route of leveling when the realm is aimed to be "hardcore". It doesn't prevent you from doing dungeons. Similar to max-level RDF. We may enable that specifically later, but it's not impossible at the moment either.
    http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=306003 - by Obnoxious, 21/8/2015

    Thinking rationally, why would you play on a server that right from the start was explicitly declared as "not for everyone" if it won't have features that are a deal breaker for you? Just come back later when that feature is active, assuming the original idea of not having RDF at all isn't revisited.
    Whether it was about you or "others," the reply is the same. The "no RDF" is there in the list of design features, not in a poll thread. While some of those could be up to debate and be changed, they are the ones with the least chance of changing, I believe. They are the parameters used as a foundation for the idea of creating Lordaeron in the first place. The talks about it being disabled only temporarily is as far as I believe the matter would go, since as far as I'm aware the original intent was to never have the feature in the server.
    By Mercy - 22/8

    I'm of the same opinion, with the exception that I would only want RDF enabled (once the realm reaches ICC content) for max-level characters, or just specifically heroic dungeons - not normal ones.
    Player - fair enough but at least add option C : Enable when ICC is released. i dont know what to vote coz of that xD
    Mercy - Sure, can do that. As much as I'd like that, it may not happen.
    I haven't searched for more because, well, I'm too lazy to run whole forums lol
    So, according to these, they had an original idea of not having RDF enable at all. But I uppose that wasn't decided untill the end, or perhaps they changed their decisions. I guess nothing is confirmed yet for good, so maybe (and it's a big maybe) they will implement it on icc release, or some time after that, even with some few limitations, like, rdf being available only for lvl 80, or 70+ and so on

    That's something all right but still, "We do not plan" is different than "We won't ever plan to", considering that Lordaeron will be alive for a long time. Just my own view. Anyway all these quotes have 1 year, they can change their minds in the meantime

    Conclusion, I guess, I think the real answer will come only when icc will land here, or probably few days before, so, gotta wait
    Cya untill there

  9. This question used to be asked daily in at least one thread, the answer was always that they might enable it, but as of now they are not looking to ever do so.

  10. Conclusion, I guess, I think the real answer will come only when icc will land here, or probably few days before, so, gotta wait
    Cya untill there
    If we were to activate RDF when ICC was released, wouldn't you call that, you know, "a plan"? As in, something we had planned to do all along, and which would go against the repeated statements that we have no plan of activating it? Think about that before you expect it with ICC.

  11. Oh no worries I'm not expecting rdf at all to say the truth, I just would like to be sure since I've never seen any topics saying "we will NEVER implement rdf, period" or something similar. What I really expect in fact is 20 topics begging for rdf when icc will be released since they came out together in retail. Honestly I'm fine without it since there will be more world PvP active (I'm a big fan of it), but I fear more population drop because people are too "lazy" to leave towns and most want it badly

  12. Either they didn't want to modify rdf to make it drop downgraded emblems (cause getting emblems of frost at 3.0 is ...), in which case it's possible that rdf will be implemented at icc.
    Or they just disabled rdf cause they didn't want any rdf at all.
    It does not make sense to me that they would disable rdf because "it's not supposed to be out yet". What happened to xp lock for twinks ? It wasn't officially out until 3.2.0, yet it was always enabled on the server. What happened to dual spec too ? Why did we have it in t7, instead of correctly getting it in 3.1.0 ? There are tons of other things like that, you can't argue that it's hard to disable them, and I could even argue that dual spec is not "hardcore". So imo, rdf is not coming ... ever.

  13. Either they didn't want to modify rdf to make it drop downgraded emblems (cause getting emblems of frost at 3.0 is ...), in which case it's possible that rdf will be implemented at icc.
    Or they just disabled rdf cause they didn't want any rdf at all.
    It does not make sense to me that they would disable rdf because "it's not supposed to be out yet". What happened to xp lock for twinks ? It wasn't officially out until 3.2.0, yet it was always enabled on the server. What happened to dual spec too ? Why did we have it in t7, instead of correctly getting it in 3.1.0 ? There are tons of other things like that, you can't argue that it's hard to disable them, and I could even argue that dual spec is not "hardcore". So imo, rdf is not coming ... ever.
    If we were to activate RDF when ICC was released, wouldn't you call that, you know, "a plan"? As in, something we had planned to do all along, and which would go against the repeated statements that we have no plan of activating it? Think about that before you expect it with ICC.
    There are no plans to do so.

  14. I would be fine with RDF being enabled just for level 80 characters.

    When Frost Emblems are going to be here (AKA ICC), a daily heroic via RDF you get 2 frost emblems in return. It would only be fair to reward those who did the 'hardcore' way of leveling to max level, receive the RDF privilege to atleast just do one heroic via RDF for those frost emblems.

    The way I see the staff talk about not planning it, already hints that RDF probably won't ever come play a part in Lordaeron.

    Which is a shame, really.
    Edited: August 22, 2016

  15. I would be fine with RDF being enabled just for level 80 characters.

    When Frost Emblems are going to be here (AKA ICC), a daily heroic via RDF you get 2 frost emblems in return. It would only be fair to reward those who did the 'hardcore' way of leveling to max level, receive the RDF privilege to atleast just do one heroic via RDF for those frost emblems.

    The way I see the staff talk about not planning it, already hints that RDF probably won't ever come play a part in Lordaeron.

    Which is a shame, really.
    There will be daily quest for 2 frost emblems I'm pretty sure, like there is daily for 2 Conquest emblems right now.

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