1. Ye thats how it is on MOP here.
    Short version of all here talkin: Since there are bosses which cannot be defeated and u can buy items from them on site (from soo such as garosh or spoils which dont have loot) yes it is p2w :)
    I can see normal, rdf and flex versions of weapons in the store, not heroic... and I guess when they do enable loot for last few bosses shortly it will be available...

    think I've said it too many times already but here it goes again: mop in its current development level should be open beta, not live for 3 years already

  2. I can see normal, rdf and flex versions of weapons in the store, not heroic...
    Im not talkin on heroic so dunno why u even mentioned it.
    And ye they will enable loot when they fix 1st each bosses. Starting from 1st.
    So ye u cant do bosses but u can buy items from them on site = p2w
    So just dont confuse guy who made topic.

  3. From reading your replies, I concluded you don't even understand what "P2W" is.

    I'll use Star Conflict game as an example, by paying $, you are given access to special and stronger space ships, resources, materials, which all together cannot be obtained by people who don't pay or give noticable advantage for those who do.
    If you are to buy anything PVE and use it against players in PvP, you'd be even weaker since that's how mop is designed unlike previous expansions. If people donate aka pay 2 win for their own pleasure of clearing the same bosses every week, then I encourage them to do so.

  4. From reading your replies, I concluded you don't even understand what "P2W" is.
    there are many definitions of the term, usually revolving around "ANY kind of benefit" obtained by players who do spend real money on the game, and by this wide definition noone can say is not true, every single MMO ever is P2W because paying saves you a grind, prevents bad rng, gets you rare/unobtainable stuff and so on... in some games... paying real money awards you items better (by a significant amount) than those other players can obtain by any means other than paying and this providing you a certain advantage over them... that should be the only
    MoP right now, seeing as certain boss loot is in the coin shop that is unobtainable ingame due to bugs and no loot dropping from certain bosses... BUT that only has an impact on the pve part (seeing as Blizz fixed the pve gear in pvp imbalance in mop by adding pvp power)

    so you pay, to have an easier job at... killing dungeon/raid bosses, which doesn't provide you a benefit over other players except in the "realm first hunt" which is rather useless on a private server with bugs and exploits anyway

    in pvp you (probably, correct me if I'm wrong) can earn the best gear currently available just by playing... it only 'saves time' if you spend $$ and get your gear the quick way

  5. If anyone still thinks this is pay to win then you should immediately find the nearest, tallest tower the jump from. PVP - who the **** buys pvp gear when you can earn it, very quickly, just like normal? And its not like if you bought the PVP gear you have a "donor advantage"... you have the same gear as everyone else it just took you less time to get it. Not pay to win. I wont even mention PVE being pay to win because PVE isnt a competition of any sort what so ever. Not pay to win. You cannot buy anything that gives you a paid advantage over anyone else. At worst, you could say the ability to buy gear from SoO bosses that arent out yet is almost pay to win, but then go ahead and try use that PVE in actual competition (any sort of pvp) and see how well that does.

    You cant buy an advantage in PVP
    There is no advantage to buy in PVE
    OP needs to commit ritualistic japanese honor suicide

  6. There is no advantage to buy in PVE
    Funny :D thanks for makin my day ;D

  7. My question is can you buy items from SOO HC here and stuff like that?
    **I answered to the question in the Topic Title: "Is this MOP realm P2W?"**

    Short version:
    PvP - no.
    PvE - kind of, but not really.

    About PvP - (USED to be a problem, not anymore) - The only problem is when a new season's gear is made available (both in-game and on the store) and you can't get it all in-game for a while because of the weekly CP cap, while some donor has it on the first day - You'd have disadvantage at the start of the season, but you'll be fine at the end.
    About PvE - You could buy gear from bosses that had already been released, but most of the times, right after the release the bosses are unkillable or you can't reach them because of some bugs and you gotta wait for a fix.

    But tell me, honestly, do you really care that the guy next to you is achieving 110% times the optimal damage, compared to the 100% you could with loot drop?! That's the same guy that donates to keep the server running and then helps you down a boss in a raid, just so YOU could get the loot!
    To anyone who is actually upset about that, please, go F yourselves. As a non-donor, I thank all those who are... As far as being X% more effective in a raid, not really, I got skillz!!! :D
    Edited: September 22, 2016

  8. Funny :D thanks for makin my day ;D
    Unless u are trying to compete with your raid, what advantage are u talking about? If you mean something like it will get u into more raids... then i still dont see how its an advantage because theres no competition happening...

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