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  1. [Guide] PvP Restoration Druid 3.3.5a

    Yellow]Before we begin this guide, If you any have any problems/variations with anything please point it out with valid reasoning.

    I. Talent Tree Specialization
    II. Glyphs
    III. Macro's
    IV. Stats (Enchant - Gem subsection)
    V. Things Every Druid Should Know

    I. Talent Tree Specialization

    I wont go through BG specs (If people are interested in a BG spec - I will update the thread).

    These are the two main specs I have used in Arena and both of them are really good it all boils down to your comp and your playstyle, Keep in mind you are free to alter points more to your playstyle.

    With the increased crit from your Moonfire, Wrath and also the ability to decrease your opponents the hit chance of your target - With chain cyclones you can really help pile on the pressure to get that killing blow. - Also the mana reduction makes your mana pool even more OP.

    The increased armor and the the ability to interrupt is very handy when you are out of cyclones and your opponent is low and you need those extra seconds, The lesser used of the two but when used right this spec is very neat. - Also the increased stealthing is nice when facing rouge comps.

    II. Glyphs

    Glyph of Rapid Rejuvenation
    Glyph of Swiftmend
    Glyph of Barskin

    This once again depends on your playstyle/preference - You can swap out glyphs for Nourish/Rejuvenation if you like.

    III. Macro's
    Focus Macro
    /set Focus

    Focus Cyclone
    /cast [@focus] Cyclone

    Focus Entangling Roots
    /cast [@focus] Entangling Roots

    Focus Hibernate
    /cast [@focus] Hibernate

    Spam Dispell
    #showtooltip Abolish Poison
    /castsequence reset=3/target Abolish Poison, Cure poison, Cure poison, Cure poison, Cure poison

    IV. Stats
    120 Hit Rating and 75 spell penetration is needed so you don't miss that gamebreaking Cyclone.

    Red Gems: Runed Cardinal Ruby
    Yellow Gems: Reckless Ametrine

    If you need to Proc your Meta Gem you can also pick up a Nightmare Tear.

    Head: Arcanum of Dominance
    Shoulders: Inscription of Dominance
    Cloak: Enchant Cloak - Spell Piercing
    Chest: Enchant Chest - Exceptional Resilience
    Bracers: Enchant Bracers - Superior Spellpower
    Hands: Enchant Gloves - Exceptional Spellpower
    Legs: Sapphire Spellthread
    Boots: Enchant Boots - Tuskarr's Vitality
    Weapon: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spellpower

    V. Things Every Druid Should Know

    Focus Casting -
    The Macro's above allow you to cast Roots/Cyclone/Hibernate on your opponent without changing target and without them knowing who your target is which is extremely beneficial.

    Fake Casting - (Start casting a Nourish for example, Then cancel 1/2 1/3 1/4 of the way through making them use their interrupts on you - Therefore wasting it.

    The point of Fake Casting is for them to use their interrupts on you when you have already cancelled your spell allowing you to cast freely and not eat a interrupt - Without getting a feel for your opponent the first fake cast will be down to luck because you don't know if they are pro and going to interrupt really quickly or if they are going to take a age to interrupt. Don't stand there trying to Fake Cast for ages as you will lose more time trying to Fake Cast then actually eating the interrupt.

    Diminishing Returns -
    I have seen ALOT of Druids (Sargeras) cyclone more than twice when they are not even going for the kill. You lose 3 Seconds DR if you cyclone a third time - The only time you should cyclone a third time for that extra 1.5 second CC is when your are pushing for that KB and you think you are going to get that kill.

    Cycloning -
    If you see your opponent (Kill Target) dip low and he is reapplying his HoT's your cyclone can be gold on him heals are immune to cyclone - So keep him cycloned till his Rejuvenation and Lifebloom run off and it allows your partner to get some of his spells of CD for a great chance at a kill.

    Positioning -
    Two Words, Pole Humping. If you stand out in the middle of the Arena you are gonna eat constant CC and will not be able to LoS enemy spells.

    LoS -
    Using Line of Sight to avoid enemy spells is right up there on the top of your Arsenal with Rejuvenation/Swiftmend - This is godly and a must if you want to get anywhere and sadly even though it is obvious it is often ignored.

    If you have any thoughts on how the guide could be improved/What you would liked to see if you could post below that would be very nice seeing as I feel like I am forgetting something. - This guide is a work in progress.

  2. Yes I am interested in the BG spec.

    I would also like to see a duel guide, for when you're left 1v1 in arenas. Which classes give you trouble and how to defeat them if possible.

  3. author decided to stop ? =P

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