1. A good overall pvp class?

    Hi! I wanna ask the community in 5.4.8 about a good , reliable class (a specific spec too maybe) for pvp. I'm just doing bgs with my mm hunter and combat rogue right now, but I do very little dmg (i dont even have honor gear) so its kinda hard to win and get geared. I'm aiming for a spec good and fun for bgs. I'll play some arenas too, mostly to get conq gear, and even after, but not aiming for high ratings at all.
    What spec can you recomend me for a good and stable pvp gameplay
    Edited: October 2, 2016

  2. survival/bm hunter, destro lock, arms warr, boomkin are really good bg classes in terms of damage, but in the end it's more about skill.

  3. In my opinion the most fun and universal classes/specs are WW Monk and Feral druid, awesome mobility, survi, heals, dps and u always can be tank/healer or caster (druid). Hunters don't have any survi and good heals, they are the easiest class to kill in MoP.

  4. In my opinion the most fun and universal classes/specs are WW Monk and Feral druid, awesome mobility, survi, heals, dps and u always can be tank/healer or caster (druid). Hunters don't have any survi and good heals, they are the easiest class to kill in MoP.
    Druids are boring.

  5. Says the guy who plays a warr.Please.

  6. I don't. I barely even play anymore. Trying to adapt to wotlk because frostwolf is just dead. Trying a shaman there
    Druids are the hardest class of all expansion excepting trash wod and legion. Why not rush a warrior and faceroll 5 buttons and win , make ur life easier
    Edited: October 2, 2016

  7. Druids are the hardest class?
    nice joke mate

  8. Hi! I wanna ask the community in 5.4.8 about a good , reliable class (a specific spec too maybe) for pvp. I'm just doing bgs with my mm hunter and combat rogue right now, but I do very little dmg (i dont even have honor gear) so its kinda hard to win and get geared. I'm aiming for a spec good and fun for bgs. I'll play some arenas too, mostly to get conq gear, and even after, but not aiming for high ratings at all.
    What spec can you recomend me for a good and stable pvp gameplay
    My advice to you would be to try and play some classes and figure out what class you enjoy to play the most.Then stick to that char. until you get 550 ilvl gear.
    Because from my point of view no matter what class you play if you have low gear you will surely die a lot in Bgs and have poor dmg compared with geared people.To be able to pass this crappy stage in the development of a character you should really like to play that character and get your a$$ kicked a lot.I think all classes have good damage at 550 ilvl gear...it depends only if you like to play it or not...if you like to play that class you will be able to learn it well and do great dmg with it but you need to be patient and get some gear.
    RBGs are a burden for low geared players (especially on hordes side)...many of them just enter BGs and run against some wall or use bots to stay out of afk until they get full 522 ilvl gear with honor points.

  9. the gear issue was "fixed" in wod where low ilvl stats were boosted to a minimum.

    in mop and especially here, it is even worse because pve items dont get downgraded in pvp...

  10. the gear issue was "fixed" in wod where low ilvl stats were boosted to a minimum.

    in mop and especially here, it is even worse because pve items dont get downgraded in pvp...
    my trinkets downscale.... from 9k agi to 4k in bgs. the weird thing is, the duration seems to gain like 10 seconds.

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