1. June 3, 2016  
    Its fixed now, but the nest one is bugged. When you try to mount that Gryphon it will instantly throw you out.

  2. July 1, 2016  
    Mor'norokk is flying outside now(or from before?)

  3. July 1, 2016  
    this is old, from before last fixes and should now be obsolete

  4. July 4, 2016  
    Not sure if it WAS fixed between the last few updates, but as of 10 minutes ago its still bugged. Guy is still flying outside of the ship and through mountains.

  5. bump and edit to update with new fixes

  6. full quest chain ( +90 ) quests full working in Deepholm. ( just to get Therazane vendors and return exalted )

  7. It was going great until "Clingy". My quest chain ended there Saturday :(

    I sure hope this gets fixed before Oct. 1st ,or if someone can offer some work around.


  8. It was going great until "Clingy". My quest chain ended there Saturday :(

    I sure hope this gets fixed before Oct. 1st ,or if someone can offer some work around.

    this thread is more of a guide how to make a certain annoying quest in the start of the chain to actually work... not a "deepholm bugs" thread

  9. Mann its worked

    just do your pets /tar mor and make you in combat and make pest follow you again

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