1. Affliction viable in end game PvE?

    Hey guys,

    I'm new to Warmane but an old school WoW player (years on Molten and on Blizzard Vanilla). I've always played Druids and Shammys in End game, but this time around I want to try a Lock. My question is, having tinkered with Warlocks a bit before, is Affliction viable endgame, or no? I'm aware of the raid buffs from Demo and the great DPS from Destro, but the Affliction spec is so much more attractive for me even if its Hybrid with another. Can I hear some advice from current experienced Locks on the whys and why nots? Thanks much and happy gaming.

  2. affliction is indeed viable the problem is that you will be bullied into playing demo 90% of the groups you join because warlocks seem to be tby far the least played class (at least to me) for this reason alone i pretty much refuse to play a lock sine i hate demo

  3. Thanks for the feedback sir. What you are referring to is exactly what I'm concerned about actually. I used to see that happen to other Locks on Molten all the time too. No one wanted them in end game unlesx they were Demo. Such a disappointment really. Never the less I will still give it a try. Affliction is just to much fun to play.

  4. Affi is only viable at endgame as I read and observed. Prolly 6.1k+ it will start to shine but it will be a filler dps so you wont be playing it unless there is a second warlock in raid. Plus what I read implies that affiliction spec beats destro/hybrid/demo end game easily.

  5. Affi is only viable at endgame as I read and observed. Prolly 6.1k+ it will start to shine but it will be a filler dps so you wont be playing it unless there is a second warlock in raid. Plus what I read implies that affiliction spec beats destro/hybrid/demo end game easily.
    I've been playing warlock for a decade now. It's my main class, hands down.
    Currently, with my 5.5k gs I have about 10k dps in raids, depending on the situation ofcourse. Naturally better gear will improve my dps significantly, but I feel like 10k is a solid number for the weak gs.

    Oh and I started on the server 3 weeks ago, hence the dumpster gs.

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