1. ICC bugs?

    I can't solo first boss wit my hunter cuz he has low dmg. The boss does some spell, traps me and I can't get out then it kills me. I think it's Bone Spike Graveyard http://www.wowhead.com/spell=69057/bone-spike-graveyard. Also those bugs before professor boss are doing a lot of damage for soloing without heals. Are these bugs?

  2. You are asking if it's a bug that you, obviously not very geared if your dmg is low, can't solo something that is meant for 10/25 people,including healers? No it's not bugged,you're just not the brightest crayon in the box....

  3. well I might not be the brightest but I looked up first boss on yt and he does not do that spell there on 10N. And those bugs I did them with my 550 war and with full buffs in ICC I have almost 1mil hp and still can't survive so... and on yt they don't do any damage
    Edited: October 22, 2016

  4. Ok I was wrong he bone spikes me because I have my pet out. But those bugs tho..

  5. There are no bugs in ICC ... bugs before Professor Putricide are part of an event that happens, if you look closely you get debuff that drains 5% OF YOUR HEALTH every second, that means if you have 20k hp ( wotlk) it deals 1k damage and if you have 600k hp ( mop) it deals 30k damage every second. It is not bugged, the debuff is draining % of hp . To get throught the event, you must survive for certain time with the bugs. After that , the gate to professor will open and debuff will disappear.

  6. Ok I was wrong he bone spikes me because I have my pet out. But those bugs tho..
    You do realize, if you have your pet out and you get spiked you can have your pet attack the spike and get free right?

  7. The bugs (NPCs) dont do that much damage , its the debuff which is part of the event so yeah you need healer for sure if you dont have some healing yourself.

  8. The bugs (NPCs) dont do that much damage , its the debuff which is part of the event so yeah you need healer for sure if you dont have some healing yourself.
    ok thanks man

  9. There are few minor bugs, but honestly you can solo it only if you a class that can heal himself (paladin, DK, priest) which is not a bug, just mechanics ICC has, like the 5% drain per second.
    I have few guys from my guild that soloed 10man with paladins easily.

    Regarding the spike, it shouldnt attack pets, atleast it didnt in WOTLK

  10. On my rogue i didnt have problems til that dot at proffesor was doing 107k thiks, and i use cloak to remove it, but then gate stayes closed..
    I guess i shold turn on heal and do some pots, i may sirvive..
    Other then that, only problem was healing the dragon.. So you cant rly solo icc, but first 3quaters is possinle whit rogue

  11. You do realize, if you have your pet out and you get spiked you can have your pet attack the spike and get free right?
    i tried that didnt work, im leveling a shaman so ill try with him when i get him to lvl 90
    Edited: October 22, 2016

  12. On my rogue i didnt have problems til that dot at proffesor was doing 107k thiks, and i use cloak to remove it, but then gate stayes closed..
    I guess i shold turn on heal and do some pots, i may sirvive..
    Other then that, only problem was healing the dragon.. So you cant rly solo icc, but first 3quaters is possinle whit rogue
    i havent tried it but you may be able to heal him with bandages

  13. nope , the bandages heal only roughly 100k, and also apply debuff on dragon that prevents you using another bandage for 1 min i think. Since you need to heal her 6M hp, that would took a good while. Also you can survive bugs before professor as warrior - i used second wind talent and killed bugs with shield slam and revenge, than used rage for shield barrier to absorb some damage, its hard but possible.

  14. You can search youtube for hunter solo videos, eg:

    Also, report bugs to bug tracker so they can get fixed.

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