1. Some people just watch the world burn.

  2. Good thing its only the world of warcraft on this case.Anyway who care,it's a game to kill time.

  3. I feel alone when I say that I like this change, it gives me an easier access to some 277 gear with guild on fights like GSB, DBS, VDW, Fester, only problem is less EOFs but I can live with that.
    Oh i can't do 25n and 25HC with my guild - **** it, pugs give me a headache each time anyway, I'll stick to guild raiding and that's all.

    But, if that change is what's causing these crashes rather postpone it than post it instantly and see how it goes.

  4. Its your job to defend server policy but please don't try to use management and development world on open context or try to attack players personally,because it's clearly that your position /occupation on warmane team is neither management or development. (outside this server you have no clue about me or my qualification)

    Back to subject and Jurassic auto cast warlocks pets on Lordaeron: correct me if i am not wrong(since you know about "this server" management and development which i don't clam i know anyway.

    Warmane decided to fix legendary weapons quest chain=> figure out that it can be farmed so fast with id bugs=> ID bug become top priority=>fix id bug (no one reported it i think)

    We all appreciate fixing bugs but we also smell the profits motivation behind it.
    Sure, let me correct you on many instances.

    1. I have no clue about you or your qualifications, but since I have qualification in development, I can say you have not a single flying **** of a clue what you're talking about;

    2. Expanding on 1, if you had any qualification on this, you would in the very, very least understand that a Development team has members with different sets of skills and responsibilities, which means different people deal with different things. This isn't a "mana pool" where you have "points" and if you use them on X you don't have them for anything else. If Developers didn't fix this, it doesn't automatically means they would be fixing class bugs;

    3. No one reported because it was a vastly exploited bug, which all this complaining makes clear players don't want to do without. Oh geez, now people will have to play the game and grind more... almost like it was World of Warcraft;

    4. Also related to 1, if you had any qualification in management, you wouldn't act like having the desire to fund your operation and keep it running was something bad or to be "ashamed" of.

  5. You are still after me making your own judgments but sorry we are on an online game forum and its useless to try prove IRL things .you have to calm down as a moderator (warmane is not your mum) because you are subject to useless/endless provocation (true example is me)

    About funds you should look deeper : what made molten almost collapsing was the fact it was a successful business (too much business oriented) wich attracted scammers with Kaer back we could see more focus on players need but again we still putting money on on the first priority when dealing with some cases.

  6. ...i just want to state something...
    its too much either KB gangsters/trolls/momas boys/nolifers etc...
    but 1 thing is clear...
    by looking at my monitor screen and seeing some random ( but not that much anymore ) guys defending server policy/game rules i simply cant believe shiitz i actually see...
    although its 99%, lets say, players against some decisions there is some 3 morofokas that state differently and look at that shiiit... it goes their way and only their opinion is right....

  7. This is a very bad change, many players will quit because they can only to 2 raids and will pick their nose out of boredom. New players are forced to donate else they have no chance in catching up with raid guilds.

    One positive thing, no more queue on Icecrown <3

  8. no more "icc 25 normal 6k gs+ link your KS achievent or ignor, LOD here"

    I hate those kind of Pokemon pugs leader.

  9. im thinking about that now, they are creating ****s for what? **** that... its like " FUN SERVER" now, really thinking about quit too..

  10. It snot a bad change,its more like you have to save your ID for that last BIS you are farming for 6 months which is so boring.You can't anymore boost some tryhard icc 25 pugs while doing 40% of total domage.

  11. everyone will leave the server now many people will quit 100% this change will make everyone leave like all the changes before people allways left thats why the server is dying no one plays here anymore gg warmane everyone will quit

    everyone will leave forever

  12. This is a very bad change, many players will quit because they can only to 2 raids and will pick their nose out of boredom. New players are forced to donate else they have no chance in catching up with raid guilds.

    One positive thing, no more queue on Icecrown <3
    Funny, people said the same thing about merging realms, reduced rates, the point shop change, and soon the gold squish. Yet, people are still playing, project is still chugging along. Somehow, I doubt this change is going to make any difference on the number of people who quit.

    Those who quit will be replaced by others who come to the server. The cycle continues, only with less toxic gs and achievement tryhards. Sounds like a positive thing overall for the community as a whole.

    im thinking about that now, they are creating ****s for what? **** that... its like " FUN SERVER" now, really thinking about quit too..
    Here I was thinking the server is becoming more Blizzlike and less Fun Server like.

    Oh wells, if you decide to quit, farwell to you. The project will get along just fine without you.
    Edited: October 26, 2016

  13. It snot a bad change,its more like you have to save your ID for that last BIS you are farming for 6 months which is so boring.You can't anymore boost some tryhard icc 25 pugs while doing 40% of total domage.
    That's how it was back on live content and this is how it's gonna work in here. You don't like it? Get over it. Find a game that fits you or find a new server that fits you the most. Crying, *****ing and ranting about it won't change it since it's something that is finally working as intended. You can't measure your e-penis in pugs anymore? Make an alt and maybe you can. Considering the rates are still modified to a superior rate it's more than easy to build a character that will make you able to raid more. Don't want to accept the truth? Truth hurts and truth is a *****. Get used to it.

    everyone will leave the server now many people will quit 100% this change will make everyone leave like all the changes before people allways left thats why the server is dying no one plays here anymore gg warmane everyone will quit

    everyone will leave forever
    By all means, be my guest. The community doesn't require people that spend most of their time crying and crying and crying about the changes that were supposed to exist since the server came up anyway. This is something that was suggested and requested by multiple players along the time. You want the game to be easy and linear? Go play Pinball - At least you know that you only have two buttons to press and you'll know that you'll always get points wherever the ball hits. I'll also be the guy opening the exit door for you if you wish. I'll even wave goodbye for you but please do not come back with that attitude.

    its realy SUX upldate.
    Do you know what sucked for me and for most of the heroic content community? As a guy that was forced to farm the content when it was live content and that grinded for his gear all over again when Molten was a thing, that grinded for his gear all over again when Warmane came out, I'll tell you that what sucked was watching people that had no idea whatsoever of what they were doing with their characters but obtaining end game gear through a vote point system that was making their life easier; Watch them being carried through Icecrown Citadel 25 twice a week (normal and heroic) and obtaining their gear without deserving it and without a single drop of sweat. That's what sucked but here's the difference: It was a feature that Warmane decided to hold and offer and I accepted it. At the end of the day, what it seems like, is that now that the community is forced to play the game and actually grind for their ****, all the lazy asses show up crying, ranting and yelling because they can't be lazy anymore. You know what's the funny part?

    You guys can still be lazy. Go ahead and make a donation for your gear - Like that you can actually contribute to the development of the server and maybe you'll get the server to a status that pleases you a little bit more, however, I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of the ranting comes from the people that were taking the free ride on the freeload that was going on through the vote point system and double ID generation.
    Edited: October 26, 2016

  14. Now, how many of you would be allowed to attend an actually useful heroic raid with your 232 garbage geared toons?
    Funfact this change will be a boon for the vast majority of you, not a bane.

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