1. Just answering the last part, not that i do that very often, but if the BG is like 99% of kills in one sides favor, 5 bases are capped or the flag is 1/3 and the GY is getting camped then usually it does just prolong the suffering to do something.

    And then theres the 2k GS pov where you are so utterly useless that you trying almost makes no difference, so people just afk it on one screen while watching a movie/tv show on the other monitor while periodically suiciding to not get kicked. Its not pretty but it is partly why bgs are the "casual" side of pvp.
    Yes and the option to queue BG's at 2k gs should simply be taken away.

  2. ppl who say arena is serious PvP and BG's not, are 99 percent melee class players who like fight in the box. Preform AV enabler addon or/and organized Horde instant queue sync groups at same BG's is quite serious PvP imo. Only i hope Alliance could do the same, but impossible becourse long Queue times... Much longer.

  3. YES a BG Premade with 5-7 Shadowmournes and 5 healers vs 2kgs and max 6k IS VERY SERIOUS and everytime i see PM VS PM which is rare most results in leaving on start..

  4. ppl who say arena is serious PvP and BG's not, are 99 percent melee class players who like fight in the box. Preform AV enabler addon or/and organized Horde instant queue sync groups at same BG's is quite serious PvP imo. Only i hope Alliance could do the same, but impossible becourse long Queue times... Much longer.
    Arena is another bracket of PvP and I dont think there is a most serious PvP branch. BG s should be the most serious one in theory but even most beautiful premades are using zerg tactics. About box thing, %99 melees that doesnt know/finds dishonorable the kite idk what reasons, guess they roleplay brutal warrior too deeply :D.

  5. everytime i see PM VS PM which is rare most results in leaving on start..
    Good times
    Spoiler: Show
    Guild that feels good rushing 15v1
    but when you get rekt by a bunch of geared pug alliance this is what happens xD


  6. I kek'd my pants when I saw the restriction of 200 resil. That's like a 19 twink whispering all levels of 10-19 but only level 19s can join...
    Edited: October 30, 2016 Reason: Added ****** logic

  7. Arena is another bracket of PvP and I dont think there is a most serious PvP branch. BG s should be the most serious one in theory but even most beautiful premades are using zerg tactics. About box thing, %99 melees that doesnt know/finds dishonorable the kite idk what reasons, guess they roleplay brutal warrior too deeply :D.
    I mean just by the nature of the thing, one only gives honour - the other gives the requirement for proper pvp gear as well as the currency for that, one has no mmr at all while the other has seasons and rewards and rankings, you can see a serious difference. Wow tournaments usually all were about arenas, the most know wow players in the pvp scene are/were mostly arena players (bar swifty, but he sucks) and arena is what blizzard generally balances around.

    And i mean, its easy to see why.

  8. @ Mercy - It doesn't say anything about me, cos everyone knows that full bis smourne dual hc trink arms warrs are one of the faceroll-iest classes coupled with a healer in wotlk arena. You literally can have scrubs healing and you will get semi good ratings. Besides i already said that i don't play on a realm where lots of ppl donate real money in order to gain uber gear to "pwn nubs". I'm just stating a fact and agreeing with some of the ppl in this thread. Who'd be interested in playing vs ppl that always have a gear advantage towards you.
    The rest of your text is meh to me, cos i don't memorize everything that's said on this forum and i ain't "attacking" anyone, just stating the fact that all know about the lolmourne warrs from the time of molten already.

    @Thydus - "ain't EVEN bis" ? So what are you if BIS is "even" for you? One item away from bis? Rofl.

    @WolfCD - Yeah noone whined about low gs ppl in retail, but at the same time, not everyone plays arena. Most people don't probably, cos who cbas with that imbalanced boring 2v2 crap :p, where most ppl queuedodge etc lmao. Arena was a failed esport anyway cos it's always been imbalanced and comp based. I've played it, done decently in it, but i loathe it. You saying that a skilled pvper can't be playing in bgs? I must gear up in bg and play arena till i die?
    I agree with the ppl running around in AB, one team behind another thing though xP Besides arena was only more important than bgs in tbc and wotlk, in Cata, rated BGS were introduced and finally there was a way to get the best gear with a way more fun gameplay, than imbalanced comp based bull**** arena.

    @Bastardbottle - What are you talking about? Why would i oom? It's not like i'm chaining heals 24/7. You can ahem...drink....lol
    Also who said that you heal with Divine Plea? You regain mana with it when you're not healing. Where do you get the idea that you're healing 24/7 from the moment the bg starts until it ends. There's breaks man. You can DRINK. Lol saying that your heals won't be good. The difference ain't even that big. You do a 4k hschok or 5 k, it's not like with gear your heals will be 10 times better. A skilled 2k gs healer can help his team more than most geared ppl in it, cos they're nubs, like most ppl playing wow. That's what it's really about.
    Edited: October 30, 2016

  9. The point here is more that BGs are a means to gain honour first and foremost, they arent a serious pvp bracket where winning at all costs is what counts. And due to that lower geared people are the ones that actually should play bgs, not the 6k+ GS people. A Bg ought be full of 2-4k GS people, not full of BIS players - those should try to get high in arenas.

    This i think is something important to remember. Yes, running FoS/PoS till 4-5k will improve your performance, but not by that much (basicely only damage wise, youll still die in one hit) and it also isnt as easy as getting into a BG, you can ding 80 - do the Wintergrasp quests and then do a few bgs and you can already buy your first furious piece. That is quite easy to do, getting into a Fos/PoS group with 2k GS is very hard, and trying to find members to carry you is too - getting into a BG is 1 button away.

    So instead of trying to ban people without gear it would be more senisible to ban the people with gear that dont actually need to run Bgs (of course that will never happen, but logically it would make sense). So come down from your high horse, and stop hating on people with low gear. Maybe lobby for Rated Bgs to be added to Icecrown (if that is even possible). But i can guarantee you that most people wont play rated bgs, they dont want a challenge - they want to farm new players.

  10. The point here is more that BGs are a means to gain honour first and foremost, they arent a serious pvp bracket where winning at all costs is what counts. And due to that lower geared people are the ones that actually should play bgs, not the 6k+ GS people. A Bg ought be full of 2-4k GS people, not full of BIS players - those should try to get high in arenas.

    This i think is something important to remember. Yes, running FoS/PoS till 4-5k will improve your performance, but not by that much (basicely only damage wise, youll still die in one hit) and it also isnt as easy as getting into a BG, you can ding 80 - do the Wintergrasp quests and then do a few bgs and you can already buy your first furious piece. That is quite easy to do, getting into a Fos/PoS group with 2k GS is very hard, and trying to find members to carry you is too - getting into a BG is 1 button away.

    So instead of trying to ban people without gear it would be more senisible to ban the people with gear that dont actually need to run Bgs (of course that will never happen, but logically it would make sense). So come down from your high horse, and stop hating on people with low gear. Maybe lobby for Rated Bgs to be added to Icecrown (if that is even possible). But i can guarantee you that most people wont play rated bgs, they dont want a challenge - they want to farm new players.
    Well said WolfCD, The main issue is caused by a few different factors. An expansion that cannot progress further, gear more easily obtained via donations, there is not multiple realms with a cross-realm BG system, and no rated BGs. This bassicly leaves a ton of geared people going to these battlegrounds, and yes I also agree some of them just like to farm newer undergeared players to stroke their ego.

    In an ideal scenario as it was on retail, with not so many geared such as here, it was usually the majority in BGs were lesser geared. BGs were where you went to try and gear up for PVP.

    It is even worse for me as a multiboxer on a newer team, regardless of my skill and experience (single toon or multiple) It is almost impossible to gear via Bgs because it either ends up one or two ways, being farmed by a large team of very geared people, or lack of people on your own team getting objectives done in the BG due to them spending the whole time *****ing at you for being low geared. This is why I stick to Wintergrasp and doing ten arena games per week. I cannot enjoy smaller battlegrounds here whatsoever. But, it is what it is I guess.

  11. @Marcuus
    If you really have that much spare time to regen in a BG fight which means again you are not needed at all, you are just a random guy casting spells while team is winning. For breaks, no fight lasts only a few secs and for you its many times oom even in a short clash. Also its really big sp difference difference with 2k gs healer with full geared (lets say furi) healer, their fol does around 4-5k and shock is higher and they ve more crit and mana that last long a long clash aswell. And for last word, why dont you ungear yourself to 2-2.5k and show us how skilled you are, that will solve the whole case.

    Your whole point is idk, why you raise gear if you are not going to use them in fight? For arena? Then what will you do after you raise your wf gear from arena? Go raids with that gear? Know what will happen when only lowbies are doing bg s are stealth characters gonna rekt everyone, healers wont able to heal anyone and it will become first hit will win.
    Edited: October 30, 2016

  12. Well said WolfCD, The
    It is even worse for me as a multiboxer on a newer team, regardless of my skill and experience (single toon or multiple) It is almost impossible to gear via Bgs because it either ends up one or two ways, being farmed by a large team of very geared people, or lack of people on your own team getting objectives done in the BG due to them spending the whole time *****ing at you for being low geared. This is why I stick to Wintergrasp and doing ten arena games per week. I cannot enjoy smaller battlegrounds here whatsoever. But, it is what it is I guess.

    What skill you talk about you target somone and then press flame shock button on your main shaman (or other class) and then other 4 or more alts do the same and the target get 5 flame shocks on him that kill him instantly. Basicly you just insta nuke/zerg random people with your multibox chars i rly dont see anything special in multiboxing.
    You simply want to play mmo but without other players so you multibox and nuke people.
    That would be like me joining with 4 more prot wars in party and saying to them on team speak guys see that random dude we all charge him at the same time and shield slam him 5 times. yey

    Also you just fk up the bg that you enter cause when you see you are losing you leave and make gap in team and then bg turn to 15 vs 10 or less for a good while.

  13. What skill you talk about you target somone and then press flame shock button on your main shaman (or other class) and then other 4 or more alts do the same and the target get 5 flame shocks on him that kill him instantly. Basicly you just insta nuke/zerg random people with your multibox chars i rly dont see anything special in multiboxing.
    You simply want to play mmo but without other players so you multibox and nuke people.
    That would be like me joining with 4 more prot wars in party and saying to them on team speak guys see that random dude we all charge him at the same time and shield slam him 5 times. yey

    Also you just fk up the bg that you enter cause when you see you are losing you leave and make gap in team and then bg turn to 15 vs 10 or less for a good while.
    Not sure who you are bud, but you are wrong on every point about me. I play mainly PVE, I do play mixed classes and roles as well. I play five accounts at a time, and NEVER once have I left a Battleground. I do not PVP to 5 vs 1 anyone. In fact, I prefer there to be more people than me for a nice little challenge.

    So please GTFO with that tired old crap and back on subject about low GS people in BGs

  14. The point here is more that BGs are a means to gain honour first and foremost, they arent a serious pvp bracket where winning at all costs is what counts. And due to that lower geared people are the ones that actually should play bgs, not the 6k+ GS people. A Bg ought be full of 2-4k GS people, not full of BIS players - those should try to get high in arenas.

    This i think is something important to remember. Yes, running FoS/PoS till 4-5k will improve your performance, but not by that much (basicely only damage wise, youll still die in one hit) and it also isnt as easy as getting into a BG, you can ding 80 - do the Wintergrasp quests and then do a few bgs and you can already buy your first furious piece. That is quite easy to do, getting into a Fos/PoS group with 2k GS is very hard, and trying to find members to carry you is too - getting into a BG is 1 button away.

    So instead of trying to ban people without gear it would be more senisible to ban the people with gear that dont actually need to run Bgs (of course that will never happen, but logically it would make sense). So come down from your high horse, and stop hating on people with low gear. Maybe lobby for Rated Bgs to be added to Icecrown (if that is even possible). But i can guarantee you that most people wont play rated bgs, they dont want a challenge - they want to farm new players.
    I can agree with this post more or less.

  15. @Marcuus
    If you really have that much spare time to regen in a BG fight which means again you are not needed at all, you are just a random guy casting spells while team is winning. For breaks, no fight lasts only a few secs and for you its many times oom even in a short clash. Also its really big sp difference difference with 2k gs healer with full geared (lets say furi) healer, their fol does around 4-5k and shock is higher and they ve more crit and mana that last long a long clash aswell. And for last word, why dont you ungear yourself to 2-2.5k and show us how skilled you are, that will solve the whole case.

    Your whole point is idk, why you raise gear if you are not going to use them in fight? For arena? Then what will you do after you raise your wf gear from arena? Go raids with that gear? Know what will happen when only lowbies are doing bg s are stealth characters gonna rekt everyone, healers wont able to heal anyone and it will become first hit will win.

    Lol seriously mate, it takes like 15 secs to drink, a bg game can last half an hour or more. In order to claim that your right, you're now going to extremes and saying that you don't even have time to drink in a bg. Like are you even serious anymore? You just don't understand that most people in the game are NOOBS, it doesn't matter how much gear they have and an ungeared SKILLED healer, can help his group a LOT more than some random geared NOSKILLER. I don't need you to tell me what is true or what isn't cos i've played retail bgs during wotlk and i've seen it and KNOW it.
    You act as if in every bg, everyone is geared and skilled and playing "so hard to win" lmao. Foking get real. Most bgs are either afkers, overgeared donors with 0 skill trying to smash others, unskilled players, trolls, multiboxers and or ppl that don't do objectives and run around. That "while the team is winning" sentence is ridiculous and you know it.
    Now you're saying that ANY class gets oomed in 2 seconds? Please explain how that works? ROFL. You need BIS gear to foking cast more than a couple of heals? That's a l2p issue then.
    The difference of 2 and 4 k is not that big. It's not like your stats will be 2 times better from 2 to 4. Why can't you understand what i'm saying? A skilled healer on low gear CAN be very useful to his team, i'm not saying an unskilled player ( most ppl ) can.
    Do you even read what i say? I dont play on that crappy Icecrown realm. Wish i had frapsed some vids from Stormscale to show unbelievers like you, that brain > gear in many cases.

    NB! You also seem to skip the whole part of me playing in Lordaeron and on retail during the time, where most ppl are/were 3-5 k gs, NOT 7k full bis in bg, so it's easier for a 2k gs healer to handle OBVIOUSLY.
    Edited: October 31, 2016

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