1. Black Temple

    Can someone please tell me how to avoid dying instantly right at the end of fight with Illidan?
    I have looked online and nothing tells me about a chance of that hard a hit. Is there some bug or is it something to avoid. I have no problems the whole fight i dont even lose any health and then right before he dies i get killed and then it restarts with him at full health.

  2. Obviously you're not prepared.

    In all seriousness, did you check the bugtracker and did you manage to record anything funky in your combat log?

  3. Obviously you're not prepared.

    In all seriousness, did you check the bugtracker and did you manage to record anything funky in your combat log?

    LOL i guess not

    I finally was able to kill him but it took about 15 tries of me dying instantly right at end of fight, nothing in combat log but "You died" no reason why. The last time i stopped all combat right as his health was almost gone and feigned death, not sure if that is what helped but i was able to finish.

    There is something about it from someone in bugtracker but no idea what bug is. I would say if anyone else has problem try stopping all combat right at end of fight before he dies, nothing else i tried worked.

  4. I have the same question. I was killing him with a TANK, full health, and when he was around 20% health, he summoned some mobs and suddenly instant-kill.
    Edited: November 21, 2016

  5. i suppose he has a enrage timer of some sort? I solo'd him pretty easy on my warr

  6. I have the same question. I was killing him with a TANK, full health, and when he was around 20% health, he summoned some mobs and suddenly instant-kill.
    I think that mobs stun the target, and when reach it, the target die instantly

    here http://www.wowhead.com/spell=41117/summon-shadow-demons

  7. Yeah same issue. The stun takes too long and they're not supposed to insta kill you. If you die too many times Maiev buggs and spawns two times and after you kill him you can't loot because there is still one Maiev present after the RP dialogue part where she is supposed to disappear.

  8. Well i remember the fight in my time in blizzard server, and the mob have 2 skills, paralyze and consume soul (Intant-Kill)... and the only way to break free is kill this demons... in that time was very annying becouse the have high health, and u have to do alot of dps fast to avoid party members death...
    Anyways, when he transform into a demon, hit him hard... even with my DK in blood i can kill him in 1-2 min more or less... (Save your power skills and items for this phase)
    Here u have the skills

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