1. Sanguine Assassins, Wherefore Art Thou?

    So, a few years back (Molten, Deathwing, pre-2012), I was an officer of a relatively mid-sized guild you probably never heard of (unless you were in it, of course). I had nothing to do with the founding of it, but the officers and I became really close, mostly due to them showing me the ropes and forging me into a decent player. It got to the point that we would log on just to sit around and BS, wasting valuable gaming time. And I absolutely loved it. We ended up becoming a tight-knit group of friends.

    Thing is, I kind of got lukewarm to the game due to life and whatnot, and ended up moving from one state to another, and WoW was way down the priority list, even after the dust settled. But then...I logged in once (maybe early 2013), and found...nothing. The guild was gone. My friends, gone. It was one of those "heart in the belly" moments...all the reasons to play WoW went away. I logged off, deleted the game from my computer, and never came back.

    Until now.

    So I've seen folks looking for old friends as I look through the forums, and I figured that it might be a long shot, but it's one worth taking. So...I'm gonna do the best I can to recall some names here, and just maybe one of the folks reading this is one of those people that were part of that small slice of special. So...here we go...

    My toons:
    Familiarface, Tankdamonkey

    The group:
    Peacepally (I think, the dude was in love with naming his guys "Peacesomething"), the, uh, 'leader'.
    Oopsmybad (This was an alt, but during the time I played, he used this one more than any other), my personal trainer. :P
    Ridele (MAY have been spelled Ridelle) the greatest resto/tank druid ever...and she also showed me a ton about this game.
    Medevac (This was an alt...I can't for the life of me remember his main) he was the man when it came to healing. Also a very good friend.
    Medevac's Wife (I don't remember)...if I could remember Med's main name, I could remember hers easily. Also a very good pal.

    If anyone could assist an old man in finding his friends again (if they so exist)...well, I would dance at your wedding. Or something. And if not, well I hope to find friends as good as these again, someday.

    EDIT: Aurilius and Ladyaurilius! THOSE were the two mains that I couldn't remember! Amazing what happens when you stop thinking too hard...
    Edited: November 26, 2016

  2. By the way, your title makes no sense. It translates to: "Sanguine Assassins, Why Are You?".

  3. By the way, your title makes no sense. It translates to: "Sanguine Assassins, Why Are You?".
    Ever read Romeo and Juliet? That's where the line comes from but...you know, thanks for all your 'help'.

  4. So first off, good luck in finding your old friends honestly.

    However being so long ago that they left I highly doubt they are here.

    Second, even if they are not, you can always make new friends and a piece of advice, if you don't want to lose a friend or friends like you did before, add them on other things like Skype/Facebook/Twitter/Etc. that way you can always keep in touch :)

  5. So first off, good luck in finding your old friends honestly.

    However being so long ago that they left I highly doubt they are here.

    Second, even if they are not, you can always make new friends and a piece of advice, if you don't want to lose a friend or friends like you did before, add them on other things like Skype/Facebook/Twitter/Etc. that way you can always keep in touch :)
    Yeah, I knew it to be a long shot. A shame too, because these guys made for one hell of a group. Figured if one of them seen this, however, the "dominoes would fall", so to speak. And seriously, I made a huge mistake not getting their contact info in some way, so now it's desperate measures time.

    Thanks for the well-wishing. Fingers crossed and stuff.

  6. Ever read Romeo and Juliet? That's where the line comes from but...you know, thanks for all your 'help'.
    It comes from Romeo and Juliet, the whole line is "wherefore art thou Romeo?" and like Halta said it means "why are you Romeo," with Juliet questioning why the man she falls for is from the enemy family. It has nothing to do with location.

  7. It comes from Romeo and Juliet, the whole line is "wherefore art thou Romeo?" and like Halta said it means "why are you Romeo," with Juliet questioning why the man she falls for is from the enemy family. It has nothing to do with location.
    Savagery :/

  8. You know, I'm not even gonna defend myself anymore. I guess that I've made the thread solely to keep the grammar police on their toes. If you have any other help to offer, be sure to share.

    Point of the thread, I'm looking for my old friends. I'm not too sure that they're gonna see the thread title and go "but that don't make sense...better not say anything".

    Got it.

  9. This is an open thread on a public Forum with posts discussing its title. Can't be much more on topic than that.
    You could have went "my mistake," but instead tried (now twice) to act like you are "above" it, because either you never read Romeo and Juliet or read it and didn't get a large portion of it. So I'll help you: deal with it.

  10. Man, I SWORE I typed 'my bad' in there somewhere...

    *looks thread over*

    ...oops. I didn't. My bad. And my bad for the seriously misleading title.

    Conversely, now that I've seen the error of my ways (and thread, apparently), I think I'll go read some Shakespeare. Which, ironically, I've never read. Some people, huh?

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