1. tips for timeless coins farming

    are there any tips for faster farming because i have been killing mobs whole day and i got like 9k , and i want to buy whole 535 set for rogue ( 50k a piece ) till the end of january , 9k per day seems low

  2. On my Monk and Rogue I've farmed 20k each for weapons inside the cave and on the beach. The cave is the one closest to the square, and if people have killed the NPC's in there, it's super easy, the crystal things, drop anywhere from 1 to 50 coins, the one at the entrance you can hit 3 times, and another one that you see straight back has 2 hits on it. I'd hit the entrance one 3 times, go into the left, hit one there, to the middle, hit that one twice, hit one where Zarhym is, hit the one around back behind the middle one, head back out to the entrance around the left side of the cave and another one is there. By the time you get back to the entrance, that one should be back.
    Also out on the beach there are dirt piles, coming from the square, 1st one on the left towards Ally FP hits 3 times, to the left theres 1 that hits twice, and keep going to the water and another one that hits twice.

  3. yeah farm coins inside cave i got 100k coins just in 2-3 hours. Entrance to this cave is IN WATER so you have to swin little bit.
    Here you can find where is cave http://prnt.sc/dpngk2

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