1. And 5) Lots of people were waiting to the merge of Deathwing and Ragnaros into Icecrown, which in fact, this made the biggest impact if you ask me.

    Edit - To the topic in general, how come you guys are so worried about population? Is 6k bad? In the past, all realms used to cap 3.5k / 4k and everyone was happy about it, now with 6k peaks there's drama? I don't get it.
    this is the number on paper but number of player for endcontent is maybe 70people on alliance side.

  2. And 5) Lots of people were waiting to the merge of Deathwing and Ragnaros into Icecrown, which in fact, this made the biggest impact if you ask me.

    Edit - To the topic in general, how come you guys are so worried about population? Is 6k bad? In the past, all realms used to cap 3.5k / 4k and everyone was happy about it, now with 6k peaks there's drama? I don't get it.
    The private servers has changed, there are a lot new and better private server today then it was in the past, and if Warmane wants to keep their population - well changes need to be made.
    I am not saying 6k is bad, thats a lot of people. Still the 6k population got its problem. The RBG queues and arena queues are way too long, there are not even a 3v3 (almost). The 2v2 bracket is dying more and more.

    Of course the population does not drop as fast anymore, but that is because there are not that many people to "drop". I can still see a drop, more often the server does not even reach a 6k pop.

    They're trying to find a group for a dungeon, so they make camps at entrances, because it's fun to waste an hour trying to get into one.
    I hope you were joking? They are maybe 5-20 outside a instance (raid).

  3. Started an alt and found out that shadowfang keep is also broken nowdays , along with BRD , and fixes are done weekly , do you guys not care about newplayers? no LFG tool , time wasted to get into instance and then to see it doesent work .

  4. this is the number on paper but number of player for endcontent is maybe 70people on alliance side.
    Hmm, I see. But perhaps it has to do with the fact we don't have everything released yet, so I still don't see it being a problem yet. Lets see if they will implement RDF with icc, I confess I'm curious to know the outcome.

    The private servers has changed, there are a lot new and better private server today then it was in the past, and if Warmane wants to keep their population - well changes need to be made.
    I am not saying 6k is bad, thats a lot of people. Still the 6k population got its problem. The RBG queues and arena queues are way too long, there are not even a 3v3 (almost). The 2v2 bracket is dying more and more.

    Of course the population does not drop as fast anymore, but that is because there are not that many people to "drop". I can still see a drop, more often the server does not even reach a 6k pop.
    Same as I said above, lets wait for endcontent + wrathfull set, hopefully it will be more healthy than what it currently is.

  5. this is the number on paper but number of player for endcontent is maybe 70people on alliance side.
    It's not 70 people, but it's definitely not much higher than that. That's not even comparable to Icecrown where you can find 10101010 level 80 people doing dungeons, ****ing around, raiding, arenas, etc. while the people on Lordaeron are AFKing or raiding only.

  6. Btw, mods and GMs, don't get us wrong, we want Lordaeron to do well and we enjoy playing on Lordaeron. However, we would love to see newer players and more motivated players on the server now compared to how it was when Ulduar was first released. That's why we're discussing this.

  7. For Lordaeron to get its population back, or get new people there has to be some changes.

    RDF is a must. You can't expect from new people, or new characters to find a group in that jungle that is World Chat.

    Advertisment. They have to advertise it more. Other that Dodgykebabs review there is nothing. You can't expect new people when you don't put yourself out there.

    Hell why not go extreme and open a PvE realm. They keep those MoP and Cata servers with 50-250 people wasting resources. And don't give me that thing that nobody wants to play PvE. *** PvE realm has more people off peak times than this at peak times.

    But in the end we can all give suggestion, but nothing is going to change. We know Warmane guys are not keen on changes.

  8. I think that such themes have long rage on the forums. But the administration is not doing anything. Perhaps this is due to the lack of donation on Lordaeron. Or maybe they just care what will happen with this server. But the fact remains: the population of the server decreased on the server a stalemate, new players or not...well, come as much and leaves. and no changes be made. Hence the conclusion - the administration server anyway. Well there is a server online do not exceed 100-200 people...and server administration there somehow contains the server.

  9. In my opinion allowing Dungeon Finder shloud be the best option.. I miss it so much, leveling with it is much more fun..

  10. Love it when you try to edit a post on phone and you delete it. Ffs. Okay here i ago again tl;dr version.

    New player here 2-3 weeks, leveling prot war, hpala.

    I had a blast playing on Lord, i do agree finding groups at times can be a real.chore, i personally didn't have too many problems, but that's mainly because i play tank and healer (they are almost same lvl), there were occasions when I had to wait an hour or more to fill the group, but most of the time it takes around 20mins and you're in dungeon (do keep in mind i'm talking about low level stuff 34 and below). But finding people like this made me get to know a lot of players around my level on this server and know who's good and who's bad, I spent time chatting with most of them, adding them to friend's list later on. Since I kept meeting and meeting them, I doubt this would have happened with rdf on.

    My two cents.

    - a new player.

    P.s. I think some people need to change the way they look at leveling and the game in general, it shouldn't be something you rush rush rush, take it slow. Enjoy it.

    P.s.s. i might make a thread in a month or so once i hit 80 to give a proper feedback.
    Edited: January 3, 2017

  11. I personally will wait for the release of Icecrown citadel (the last RAID). If after that nothing on the server will not change, then proudly leave.

  12. Enabling rdf on all levels/difficulties is the best way to bring back some player, but I don't know if it is the correct choice.

    Personally I was hyped for the new Lordaeron as much as old molten Lordaeron when it got released, but I found myself falling behind on leveling duo to restricted time to play and no rdf. Back in the day leveling with rdf on x1 was a blast - I did so much content even if it was not in the perfect shape script wise it was still fun and I could just do a couple of quests, 1-2 rdfs and then log out in an inn for that juicy rested experience when I come back the next day.

    But now grinding the same old quests and making awkward dungeon groups takes too much time and its not rewarding in any way especially if you level more than 1 toon.

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