1. Is it worth starting?

    I'm thinking about rolling into MoP PvE ( dungeons and casual raiding) so I'm asking you guys: Is it worth it?
    Is the PvE scene too small? Is it too buggy?
    If so, what's the PvP like?
    Thanks in advance <3

  2. Moved from cata a month ago and overall everything seems nice so far. Good population and nice competition in arena. BGs popping immediately, world pvp also good. Now about PvE I don't have some opinion cuz I don't do.

  3. PVE in Frostwolf is meh. You rarely see recruitment for dungeons nor raids in global. No pubs whatsoever. Serious PvE guilds can be counted by fingers in 1 hand and most only recruit those who have high iLvl already which a paradox by itself.
    Frostwolf is undesirable for a PvE player like me who has absolutely no interest in PvP.

  4. no wonder theres no guilds left if they open a 'fully' working boss but the doors are closed to him and u get ban if u use lock portal to pass through or imaginary 'ninja' looting bans for 'pug' leaders on global coz some fags crying over items w/o knowledge what is ms or os (but thats thanks to gms that ban 'normal' leaders). Bosses working well in endgame instance u also can count on fingers in 1 hand. Every1 is moving from here (PVE content) semewhere else coz its not fun anymore. just stay with pvp if its okay there or go to some older expansion.
    Edited: January 11, 2017

  5. I'm not doing PvE, but I see people LFM on global all the time...

  6. Endgame PVE is at the moment in a terribile state, you can't go past Megaera in Throne of Thunder and there's several harsh bugs regarding Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar, so it's basically 4-bosses SoO runs all week. LFR is dead, RDF is a gamble since most of the time you get trash groups.
    PVP can be extremely frustrating but that's pvp for you. Disci priests are extremely broken.

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