1. Just nerf the Anub adds like they used to be, no need for people to hope for right pieces to drop from naxx/ulduar and to minmax a tank 100% to be able to kill Anub, need to be such big player to do that. Kappa
    Maybe more guilds would kill him and we can get our ICC if it's up to that, we heard it's pretty much working as intended and could be released any time. =)

  2. icc on Lordaeron haHAA

  3. Just nerf the Anub adds like they used to be, no need for people to hope for right pieces to drop from naxx/ulduar and to minmax a tank 100% to be able to kill Anub, need to be such big player to do that. Kappa
    I haven't played on that many private servers with custom buffs but this has to be indeed the worst way of tuning a boss, especially such a crucial one. We obviously cant read the dev's minds but considering they haven't changed it back after weeks one would assume it is intentional. That alone is mind boggling.

    Maybe more guilds would kill him and we can get our ICC if it's up to that
    I don't believe this to be the reason whatsoever. If we just look back at Ulduar basically no one but you guys <Memories> really wanted/were ready for toc. There have been so many guilds quitting, merging and just overall players leaving the servers that the vast majority of raiding guilds wasn't even done with progressing it, let alone gearing up people with hm loot. I don't think many of those would've minded another month or even 2 of Ulduar.
    But now that way more people have progressed through both 10 and 25m hc we have to wait even longer for the next tier.
    Edited: February 8, 2017

  4. holy **** I remember doing TOC PTR in August and now 6 months later still no ICC announce I think soon no more reason to live.

    you told us after the Ulduar race ''It's ready and we could release it tomorrow'' so release it or give us an insight on why you're not ready to release it yet cuz I see no point in staying in this hell that is TOC for another two weeks +

  5. no point in staying in this hell that is TOC for another two weeks +
    It will come with next season reset which should be 30.3 thats why no announce yet so forget some 2weeks haHAA

  6. Really sad that the last respons the staff has given us, is to ban and remove someones post, because they commented on how long the ICC respond takes. Even if the staff don't know themself how long it will take to release ICC, I would be happy even if they told us that.

    Don't know, will it take ages, will it be very soon? I don't really care (I do..), but I would be even more happy to know.

  7. I don't believe this to be the reason whatsoever. If we just look back at Ulduar basically no one but you guys <Memories> really wanted/were ready for toc. There have been so many guilds quitting, merging and just overall players leaving the servers that the vast majority of raiding guilds wasn't even done with progressing it, let alone gearing up people with hm loot. I don't think many of those would've minded another month or even 2 of Ulduar.
    What ??????????????? How could u not be Ready for ToC u could PuG it from DAY 1 only Hard Bosses were Beasts and maybe Anub. Try to Pug Ulduar with PPL in NaxxGear back on release of Ulduar, u can even barly Pug Ulduar with PPL in ToC Gear now only if u bring some Hard Carrie from own Guild....please....Seems to me u didnt even Raided Ulduar on Release Day when Boss weren't Nerfed yet xddddxdxdxdxdxddxdxdxddxd some Bosses Like Iron Council ( 25mill each Boss ), Thorim with 54 or 64 Million on normal Mode cant remember correctly, way overbuffed Yogg etc dont want to list all of this :DDD

    Time has come for ICC, ToC was a Filler Content made by Blizzard to get more time to work on ICC, but since ICC is ready, why delay it so long. ToC has 5 Bosses u rush normal down in what 30min ? ToGC in 1 1/2 or less depens, while Ulduar had 13 Bosses and most of Guilds never Cleared it in 1 Raidday. ToC and ToGC is cleared by most Guilds who clearing both weekly in like around 2 Hours, after that you go on alt clear normal and maybe even ToGC ( Like Memories ) clear 10man after on normal and hc but what now ? U sit on ur Char in Dalaran and hope time gets over till next Wed. DDDD Ofc there are more things u could do like lvl other alt or smth like that but for what ? to clear other ToC after u got some Gear on it ? ResidentSleeper :D

    I just hope we get a Date this Month for ICC, because People are Hungry for new Progression even tho Content is 10 Year old u still have to Progress with the Values on Lordaeron :DDD idk about grammer pls be kind cuz i cba 3am here and im kinda bored DDD

    Just Hope and Pray for ICC b4 Eastern =)

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