1. What's going on in this thread...

  2. What's going on in this thread...
    People getting their egos bruised, apparently.

  3. People getting their egos bruised, apparently.
    What did you expect from bunch of "failed" retail players who never got in top 500 and came here to think they're even decent. You should see the number of players when they get a LOD on one of their tunes, they become knowitalls for every single spec in-game.

  4. Holy priest is love!

    Holy priest is life!

  5. Holy Priest is OK.

    Disc Priest is supreme.

  6. disc sux the end, can close thread :D

  7. So much drama. So much Information. I love it.

  8. So much drama. So much Information. I love it.
    Yeah and you're the OP of the thread. This is like the 3rd or 4th time you've started a e-peen measure thread if I'm not mistaken, or at least a stupid thread at that.

  9. Yeah and you're the OP of the thread. This is like the 3rd or 4th time you've started a e-peen measure thread if I'm not mistaken, or at least a stupid thread at that.
    What about it? Do you have any problem with this dramafest going on?
    I don't know which thread you're talking about either and at this point i dont really care anymore

  10. Shouldn't take damage.. blabla, then one holy paladin in raid to heal tanks, second healer for encounters where all raid takes damage. That is not how it works in game. Some of you guys should pull out nose from sims and do some actual raid. There will always be people who make mistakes, even best of players, it is called being human. And healers want to enjoy raid too, for some this 3-heal tryhard clickfest is enjoyable, but for most is best to do 5 healers(or at least 4), one of which is disc priest for best results. And you can talk with holy priest about PoM, so its not holy OR disc, specs don't really clip each other so badly. As for holy priests shields speed boost, its nice, but not critical.

    Point of all this is -
    Play Disc if you want, you will have spot in raids. If some fool leader passes, that not the raid you would want to join anyway unless its for some very very specific boss.

  11. But keep holy as os since leaders really like having 2 disc priests.

  12. > itt we impersonate people who don`t exist.

  13. Lul. Yes please, go right ahead. I exploit what I want, whenever I want :D.
    Do I really need to comment here?

    Keep your ego in your pants and stop derailing the topic.

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