Wanna raid Naxx, Ulduar and other raids without overpowered gear? Tired of high gear requirements?
Real Progression = We doing old WOTLK raids in order + we have gear limits*
Gear limits: You cannot use any gear higher than ilvl 213 + Tier 7 in our ULDUAR raid (u can`t have higher ilvl items but u can have lower gear, for example ilvl 200)
10 man: Naxx, OS, EoE (completed) - Ulduar (in progress) - ToC, ToGC, Onyxia - ICC
25 man: Naxx, OS, EoE (need 8 more people to start)
Guild Requirements
• Remember about ilvl gear limits
• Login 15 minutes before the raid time.
• Don't ask for raid invite, you will get invited once leaders decide to.
• All members must gather their own Flasks and potions (food usually is given for free).
• Must understand and be able to communicate in English using Discord (Channel will be given out in G-info)
• Understanding of the concept. We will wipe, but you will have to be understanding. Raging might result in a G-kick.
Raid Schedule
Tuesday - 17:30-21:30 (Server Time)
Thursday - 17:30-21:30 (Server Time)
Sunday - 17:30-21:30 (Server Time)
How to get low lvl items for our raids:
- Warmane has free items for points
- Reputation items: goo.gl/2bcw4C
- 200 ilvl for badges: goo.gl/kj08L9
- Atlas loot for dung. items: goo.gl/qYFc1e
If you feel like real progression is either tempting or seems interesting, join us and try it out for yourself!
Send me a private message on forum or contact: Devarion, Jarrl, Nickepicee, Essbrennt in game
(just to be sure look for us during the raid time),
Let the fun begin!