1. Clarification on Transmogrification


    Can someone explain this to me? He is using daggers and yet he is able to transmog his weapons to Warglaives of Azinoth which is in fact a Sword type. I thought Transmog works only on the same Weapon Type (e.g. Daggers > Daggers, Swords > Swords, etc..). Did i miss something here?

    Edited: February 21, 2017

  2. and also you can't use legendaries for trasmog lol

    Edit: I think you have gifted a ban for him
    Edited: February 21, 2017

  3. This should be solved by 0 1 formula. Bann anyone who's using CE because people become more and more insolent and shameless with their CE usage. Personally I wouldn't mind players using the bug that existed before to xmog sword into a dagger and the other way around. But since the reasons above and them becoming so transparent like the guy from the screen or people that xmoge their shields/off-hands into a god damn two handed weapons it has gone too far and thus should be strictly forbidden. I assume some of the staff members worked hard their asses off to fix a bug with xmog for a reason. And people just came to the conclusion that it doesn't matter and basically "**** it, no rules apply to me".
    This is "fun" that's what it is.
    TL;DR Bann everyone that use CE with cold blood and without batting an eye.
    Edited: February 21, 2017

  4. Also you have to be careful because some players from older days have their daggers as common blue/purple swords and or guns. I know a guy who had his weps as guns/rifles from daaaaaaays ago.

    But anything legendary, or white/grey that is xmog (hearthstone and flasks lol) is bannable.

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