1. Better get Halaa working by then, Lordaeron's been out for years and still not working

  2. That's great! If only the realm would have xp rate x1 or x2, but not x5... This is too much. And without shop.

  3. Yeah, make it BLIZZLIKE and WITHOUT SHOP

  4. There is nothing wrong with people saying "I really liked TBC but these later features would improve the experience, while preserving the content and general gameplay I wish to see again" -- obviously any game can be improved, and mindless purism is not ultimately necessary, as long as the suggested changes don't go deliberately against the fundamental game design. Flat xp multipliers, gear shops go contrary to how the questing, leveling systems and end-game content were designed, resulting in discrepancies like people getting too high level too fast in zones to finish the questlines, get the items and money necessary for going to higher level areas and training spells, professions etc. Dual-spec is just a handy feature that is ultimately unrelated to which content patch it is applied to.

    Whether or not cherry-picking features like these and porting them to the earlier version is desirable or feasible is another question altogether, but just asking doesn't make people unappreciative of TBC, it just means that the reason they wish to return to TBC is not to remove the additional features that were developed afterwards but because the core design principles of gameplay and content progression were appealing to them.
    Ofc there is nothing wrong with liking TBC and knowing that some later features made it better.

    To me is wrong wanting TBC with wotlk features. People who want the barber shop, RDF, dual spec, xmog are just bored of raiding ICC every week and want something new, they dont want the TBC experience they want different raids.

    And these people would like the features of MoP way more than the TBC ones dont know why you have to jump on the hype train for TBC if you hate the features it had.

  5. Hi. I just want to state my feedback to this server.

    I think there should be no modifications to the game client at all. I mean, no transmog, dual-talent, random dungeon finder, etc. It would be better if you just emulate the game like it was. If you really need these features, just go play other expansion.

    Regarding the rates, I fully agree with x5. Yes, x1 would be nice but not everyone have that massive time to spend in the game anymore, also x5 won't hurt anyone experience with the quests and lore. Besides, the game has been out for so long that everyone already did those quests a ton of times.

    And about the points store, we know that is inevitable to have it. But I think it could be absolutely gamebreaking if you sell ANYTHING like you do in WotLK servers. I mean, seriously guys, I think everyone would be satisfied if you offer in the store only the items that are not endgame. Please, check if it's possible to something like this, it's just sad to see everyone with the best items without ever getting into a raid.

    With that said, I just want to tell you that I'm really glad and excited to play.
    See you in Outland!

  6. I've been reading this topic for about two days and i can say I am really disappointed how people reacts here. Like wtf guys? They deliver us a free TBC realm, that no other server can provides us (I am not counting those Tbc servers with 400 population.. they are pretty much dead) and 87% of people here just trash-talking. First of all, about 1x rate - they decided to put 5x xp rates because we can all see that Icecrown population is WAY more bigger than Lord's population, that pretty much say that people rather have bigger rate than 1x. And secondly, does it really hurts so bad that you have to trash talk here because you wont be able to level @ 1x rate realm on continent that has been out for like 10+ years??? Cmon, if u like leveling that much, create 10000 alts and do it. Thirdly - about coin shop - I dont really care If its going to be a coin shop with gear or not, but i DO know, that i cant cry here about that, because its not up to me to decide and so you shouldnt do it too. Just be happy that finally, we will have TBC realm. Cheers.

  7. Hi. I just want to state my feedback to this server.

    I think there should be no modifications to the game client at all. I mean, no transmog, dual-talent, random dungeon finder, etc. It would be better if you just emulate the game like it was. If you really need these features, just go play other expansion.

    Regarding the rates, I fully agree with x5. Yes, x1 would be nice but not everyone have that massive time to spend in the game anymore, also x5 won't hurt anyone experience with the quests and lore. Besides, the game has been out for so long that everyone already did those quests a ton of times.

    And about the points store, we know that is inevitable to have it. But I think it could be absolutely gamebreaking if you sell ANYTHING like you do in WotLK servers. I mean, seriously guys, I think everyone would be satisfied if you offer in the store only the items that are not endgame. Please, check if it's possible to something like this, it's just sad to see everyone with the best items without ever getting into a raid.

    With that said, I just want to tell you that I'm really glad and excited to play.
    See you in Outland!
    I do agree with your point of view about the shop, TBC raids where progressive, unless you get boosted ofc. One would have to do Karazhan to start with, then progress through all the raids one at a time. As long the attunements are not removed from the game and one has to do the previous raids tiers to be able to enter the next tier the game shop shouldn't be to gamebreaking, will just make the content easier to the lot who donates. I do agree to the shop, come on guys, this project needs to make money to be kept running, it's a business and many people work for it because they love it, but to give a good quality server and support requires a team that has to be paid for what they do. Thanks to them we can enjoy the game has it was in previous expansions. You only pay if you want to, even blizzard has pay to win features now with the token and gold exchange. So the shop removal posts do feel a bit out of place tbh. I will enjoy the game, doing one raid at a time and enjoying the content to the max, don't really care about the shop, if I wanted to have the best gear without working for it, I would be playing Legion in retail and not tbc which requires a lot of time and dedication if you want to progress.

  8. faster level 60 flying mount like in Wotlk
    what are you talking about?, flying mount are at the 70's mark in TBC and goes 100% on ground, 60% flying...like in Wotlk
    please once and for all stop spamming "omg pls x1 xp rate plsplspls" its getting annoying.
    not more annoying than people who whants rates x5 plz plz plz, i don't like to lvlup, grinding looking for gear, in simple word, i don't like this kind of game, or i don't have time to grind, i just want to be 70 as fast as possible to afk Shattrah.
    So why Blackrock is empty? whatever the Xpac is, it's exactly what is needed, instant char, free stuff, PvP, you should be happy, you don't need extra time to play your favorite game :D it's PnP^^
    x5 is perfect. As some people already mentioned you don't need to change zones if you don't want to
    this is B.S and you know it, of course you can stay in the zone, but don't talk about "luxury.." when it comes to a choice in a video game in the 1st place, it makes ne laugh, like those people who used "Elitist" as a definition for hardcore raiders.
    Then, BC isn't LK or Mop etc.., if you want gold, you must go out and farm, it wasn't a gold sink like it is nowadays, so in a short time, we'll see post "man i can't lvl up seriously, i'm lvl20, no gear, no skillls, how it's even possible to buy skills, i have 50pa" plz plz plz give me 50 gold plz.
    pls add RDF and Xmog to TBC
    RDF ,what for?
    Xmog, what for, you'll have all the original stuff you are farming today on LK to hide your T8/10, no need to Xmog (except may be the hunter T4 which is absolutly ugly :P)
    Dude, have you even seen the prices on those items? Who the hell spends 200+ euros to fully gear a character? You could easily buy Legion and some months of game-time with that kind of money.
    you'd be surprised, as it was said already for Icecrown, there is people who spend more than that
    Dual Specialization
    THIS, will be good, it was an expensive pain in the a.. to respect every time, for raiding or pvp

    Well, i'll go further, give them ALL , RDF, X5 rates even x10 if you can, Shop , warglaives, EVERYTHING, like this, the server will be full in no time and as you've said:
    If Outland (x5) is popular enough, we will consider making a x1 counter-part. Outland, based on the quality of quest scripts that we already have, could very easily be x1
    if it's the case you'll open a Lardaeron alike, x1, no shop etc.. and as we can see on this post we are a lot waiting for it :)

    looking forward to it, at the moment i'll pass even BC is the best Xpac of all time.

  9. you can do rate the player's choice of, say, 1 who is there and wants to X5

  10. if it's the case you'll open a Lardaeron alike, x1, no shop etc.. and as we can see on this post we are a lot waiting for it :)
    When we say "popular enough" we mean as in Icecrown - a server filled to the brim, with queues at most times - not as in people requesting it in a thread. A x1 server would come mostly from necessity of opening another Burning Crusade server. What we will have for now is a x5 server with coin shop. Those aren't negotiable or up to discussion as far as I'm aware - that's the plan and set in stone.

  11. The funniest part about this is: you can figure out exactly what is going to happen by playing on the other realms and seeing how the players all act. 7x realms are full of nothing but kids constantly begging for gold and for everybody to level their chars for them, hardly anybody can get through even ICC without exploiting and hacking. And these same people are all begging for 1x on TBC, even 5x on TBC is much slower than 1x on Wrath. It will be a miracle if any of these players even make it to level 70 on TBC.

  12. Might aswell make respec cost 1 copper instead of complicating things with website additions

  13. It's so ridiculos to read that 30% of the people in this topic whine about the "dual spec" and RDF addition. Who the **** cares. CASH SHOP is the only thing that will destroy this server and the community in in in the long run.

  14. It's so ridiculos to read that 30% of the people in this topic whine about the "dual spec" and RDF addition. Who the **** cares. CASH SHOP is the only thing that will destroy this server and the community in in in the long run.
    Your excessive spamming wont make the cash shop go away.

  15. I'm just disappointed about what I'm reading. I expected something else from the staff that once claimed to create Lordaeron because they wanted it the way it is. Now, the very same people are telling us that they want to create a server designed in an specific way because the majority of their playerbase wants that.
    A part from that, I don't think that the great majority of the guys that want to play tBC that had already played it in retail feel like 5x is wise. It's another mentality.
    I just feel sorry for Outland's decisions made. Disappointing.

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