1. Problem with client that i downloaded from Warmane website

    Hi all, i just downloaded Warmane TBC 2.4.3 client from your site, i have problem
    It asks for some key when i try to log in, i cant make screenshot of it, and also it keeps asking me to agree on Terms of Use every time when i open game.
    Can you guys help me somehow with that or should i download from other site?

  2. Still same problem, Blizzard authenitcator code appears and i have to write in some code (probably from original wow)

  3. I got same problem but read only is already unchecked.

  4. Follow these steps:
    1) Restart your PC
    2) close your Torrent client and move your WoW folder away from your Torrent's download destination
    3) now right click on WoW folder> Properties> remove "read-only".

    about the "code" problem you can disable it here: https://www.warmane.com/account/security and disable > remove "Enable in-game protection "

  5. can some1 post realmlist ?
    set realmlist logon.warmane.com

  6. I can not log in to TBC. I downloaded it and when I try to enter it asks for the blizzard code. I've already retired from read-only and I still can not get in. Please help me.

  7. login with your warmane login name, not the email

  8. Follow these steps:
    1) Restart your PC
    2) close your Torrent client and move your WoW folder away from your Torrent's download destination
    3) now right click on WoW folder> Properties> remove "read-only".

    about the "code" problem you can disable it here: https://www.warmane.com/account/security and disable > remove "Enable in-game protection "
    Follow these steps

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