1. May 21, 2017  

    New Player to TBC looking for people to play with!

    Hello everyone,

    I started playing retail WoW at WOTLK and never got the chance to play TBC. Everyone says how great it was so i would love to give it a try! Sadly nobody I know wants to play it, they are all too busy being Demon Hunters.

    Would anyone mind letting me join their guild and showing me the TBC ropes please?
    I am not sure how well it crosses over to TBC, but as a player I have raided the latest content since WOTLK and I love PvP, 2200+ rating in 2's and 3's.
    I like to play healers, mainly resto druid, and I mained rogue for a long time, however, I have experience playing just about everything so let me know your opinions on what class is best!.

    I'm kind of feeling disco priest atm. Are they decent in TBC?

    $100 question....Alliance or Horde!?

    Apologies for all the noob questions, the realm sounds like it would be awesome to play on and I just want a good start :D

    Thanks all and hope to see you in game.x

  2. May 21, 2017  
    Hello Rollanski,

    First, let me welcome you to Warmane! I personally do not have a permanent guild on my own character on Outland, so I can't really help you with that. I'm sure you'll find some willing people around though!

    Comparing Wrath PvE content to TBC is a bit interesting. Unlike Wrath, there is only one raid difficulty and size for each raid. TBC also focuses a bit less on player individual skill and focuses more on group organization, preparation and knowledge of the raid and the game as a whole.
    PvP is pretty comparable though.

    Best class? Well, I'm very opinionated, but I think you would be pleased to know that Restoration Druids are pretty strong in TBC for both PvE and PvP. Discipline Priests are decent in PvP, but they are not viable in PvE.

    $100 question: I'd advise you to roll Alliance. The faction needs people. The TBC community tends to roll Horde due to PvP racials.

    I hope you enjoy yourself and make tons of friends! Best of luck!

  3. May 23, 2017  
    me and a small but very close group of friends (known each other since xbox 360 release) are playing aliance we've recently added 1 more to our group here on warmane would gladly add another to the group as long as racism,sexism, amd general sacagery doesn't bother you we're on discord and outland server daily. have done hardcore and casual private server gaming for vanilla and tbc since retail DM me

  4. I'd be down to play if you're still looking for people. I'm currently Lvl 28 on alliance with feral druid.

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